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Dualla: I'm gonna skip the meet and greet this time, if you don't mind. 
Apollo: Sure. 


Apollo: this is insane, you know? 
Starbuck: Mm, that's just the way I like it. 


Starbuck: Yeah, but marriage is a sacrament. It's not a pyramid game, you don't -- you don't get do-overs, Lee. I made a vow in the sight of the Gods, and I'm not gonna break that. 
Apollo: You're breaking it every time we do this. Every time. 
Starbuck, chuckling: Divorce is different. This is just bending the rules. 


Starbuck: Great. So, I won't divorce, and you won't cheat. So where does that leave us? 
Apollo: Trapped. 


Adama: the Eye of Jupiter? What are we talking about? 
Chief: According to the Scriptures, it's a marker that was left behind by the Thirteenth Tribe. It's supposed to point the way to Earth. 


Chip Six: Feels like old times, doesn't it? 
Baltar: I can't believe how much I actually miss this place. 
Chip Six: You know you can't return. They'd toss you out the nearest airlock and then throw a party. 
Baltar: Yes, I know. Still, I can't help feeling I'm finally... Home.


Boomer, as Sharon's leaving: They let you think that she was dead. You don't do that to a person, you do that to a thing. That's what your friends think of you, Sharon. You're not o ne of them. You're a thing! 


Apollo: Listen, Sam, I'm not even sure it exists. But I don't have to tell you every little Godsdamn detail... 
Anders: You know what you have to explain to me? 
Starbuck: Hey, hey, hey. Honey -- the Major's in charge o n this o ne, okay? Okay? 
Anders: Uh-huh. Well, I certainly wouldn't want to step between you and your Major. 


Chief: I feel something in here. Something true. But here I am setting charges in this special place. Holiest of the holies. This is... The Temple of Five. If my parents could see this. And I'm gonna blow it up. 


Caprica: Something I can't share with you? [To Gaius.] I loved you when everyone else wanted you dead! 
Baltar: Now, look, you mustn't misunderstand. It's not personal. It's transcendent. It's like what you said: it's transcendent. 
Biers: Pray for us, Caprica. We'll be praying for you. 


Roslin, softly: The child is alive. Yes. Yes, the child was at the school. Yes, I kept her there. [He sits.] And we suspected that the Cylons captured her during the exodus from New Caprica. Yes, it's true. Listen, the thing you might want to know is that when sh...


Helo: Do you have any idea what we've gone through? You, of all people, know ... what it's like to lose a child. 
The difference is your child's still alive. And eventually, I hope you become grateful of that. 


Apollo: Well, that is not the mission. We have our orders. We are stronger-- 
Anders: What are you, some Godsdamn wind-up tin soldier? This is my wife we're talking about. 
Apollo: I know who she is! And I have known her and cared about her a hell of a lot longer than you! 
Anders: You can do whatever the frak you want! I am going after my wife! 


Adama: Load target package 3-bravo. Set ground zero for the underground structure. 
Roslin: Are we prepared to sacrifice Lee?

Ecrit par marshmalow 

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Ecrit par marshmalow 
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