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#114 : Les exclus de la Saint-Valentin

C'est la Saint-Valentin et tout va de travers pour les Walker.

Nora dîne avec une amie et se fait arrêter par la police pour consommation de marijuana dans la voiture. Kitty couche avec le sénateur McCallister, Kevin avec Scotty et Justin avec Tyler.



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Valentine's day massacre

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Les exclus de la Saint-Valentin

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Robert McCallister (Rob Lowe) et Kitty Walker (Calista Flockhart) s'embrassent

Robert McCallister (Rob Lowe) et Kitty Walker (Calista Flockhart) s'embrassent

Robert McCallister (Rob Lowe) et Kitty Walker (Calista Flockhart) se disent au revoir

Robert McCallister (Rob Lowe) et Kitty Walker (Calista Flockhart) se disent au revoir

Justin Walker (Dave Annable) et Paige Whedon (Kerris Dorsey) s'approchent d'une table

Justin Walker (Dave Annable) et Paige Whedon (Kerris Dorsey) s'approchent d'une table

Kevin Walker (Matthew Rhys) et Chad Barry (Jason Lewis) au bar avec une jeune femme

Kevin Walker (Matthew Rhys) et Chad Barry (Jason Lewis) au bar avec une jeune femme

Michelle McCormack (Roxy Olin)

Michelle McCormack (Roxy Olin)

Les jeunes sortent s'amuser

Les jeunes sortent s'amuser

Robert McCallister (Rob Lowe) et Michael Pellington (D.W. Moffett)

Robert McCallister (Rob Lowe) et Michael Pellington (D.W. Moffett)

Robert McCallister (Rob Lowe) et Kitty Walker (Calista Flockhart)

Robert McCallister (Rob Lowe) et Kitty Walker (Calista Flockhart)


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Dimanche 11.02.2007 à 22:00

Plus de détails

Au lendemain de la Saint-Valentin, au matin, Kitty, Kevin et Justin se retrouvent dans des situations plutôt inattendues. Kitty a passé la nuit avec le sénateur, Kevin avec Scotty et Justin avec Tyler. Tout ce petit monde se raconte ses déboires au téléphone avec en plus Sarah qui elle se lamente d'être la seule à ne pas avoir fait l'amour la nuit dernière. Pendant ce temps, Nora essaye désespérément de joindre un de ses enfants et réussit à contacter Sarah pour qu'elle vienne la chercher au commissariat.
Comment tous ces évènements sont-ils arrivés? petit retour en arrière.

On se retrouve le matin de la Saint Valentin. Robert demande à Kitty de l'accompagner à San Diego pour voir un possible financier de sa campagne, un milliardaire du nom de Michael Pellington. L'entrevue ne se passe pas vraiment bien, Pellington cite tous les points faibles du sénateur et c'est Kitty qui prend la défense de McCallister avec virulence. Elle impressionne Pellington qui décide de l'inviter à dîner.

A la salle de gym, Kevin se retrouve bien malgré lui en compagnie de Chad et Michelle. Cette dernière essaye de lui arranger un rendez-vous avec une de ses copines et Kevin n'a pas d'autre choix que de lui dire qu'il est gay. Elle se met en quête de lui trouver un homme pour la soirée et pense avoir le candidat idéal pour lui.

A l'entreprise familiale les relations entre Sarah et Tommy sont des plus tendues; l'achat du vignoble est au centre des querelles. Sarah est opposée à ce projet alors que Tommy semble intéresser depuis que Holly lui a raconté que son père avait l'intention d'acheter le vignoble pour lui, ce qui le laisse perplexe. Kevin a de plus en plus de mal à supporter sa liaison clandestine avec Chad et n'est pas vraiment emballer à l'idée de passer du temps avec Michelle. Mais Chad insiste pour la soirée car même s'ils ne peuvent pas être ensemble au moins ils se verront.

Sarah n'arrive pas à trouver une baby-sitter et demande à Justin qui saute sur l'occasion pour échapper à une soirée avec sa mère. Nora invite donc une amie, Emilie au restaurant. Nora est en plein doute, elle se sent seule et ne sait pas ce qu'elle va faire du reste de sa vie. Son amie lui reproche de ne plus savoir s'amuser et sort de son sac un joint. Après le dîner, elles décident de le fumer dans la voiture et se font arrêter par deux policiers.

La soirée de Justin est perturbée par un appel de Tyler, il décide de partir à sa recherche accompagné de Paige et Cooper. Il l'a retrouve au restaurant et lui fait une émouvante déclaration d'amour devant son petit ami qui n'apprécie guère contrairement à cette dernière qui est très émue; elle le quitte et finit la soirée avec Justin. Pour Kevin l'expression "le monde est petit" prend tout son sens, l'homme mystère de Michelle n'est d'autre que Scotty, son ex. Après une joute verbale un peu musclée entre les deux hommes, Kevin se radoucit envers Scotty en voyant Chad danser et embrasser Michelle.

Après son dîner avec Pellington, Kitty est surprise par l'arrivée dans sa chambre d'hôtel de Robert qui l'invite à faire la fête mais elle décline l'offre ayant peur de succomber aux charmes de son patron et le met dehors. Sitôt sortie, Robert frappe à la porte et expose ses arguments à Kitty sur le faite de sortir ensemble et finit par jouer son joker en l'embrassant.

Retour au lendemain de la Saint Valentin, Chad appelle Kevin pour savoir s'il a passé la nuit avec Scotty et face au silence de Kevin il comprend que c'est oui. Il est très déçu et surtout il était sur le point de parler à Michelle pour leur relation. Il demande à Kevin de ne plus le contacter. En entendant la conversation Scotty comprend que Kevin l'a utilisé pour rendre Chad jaloux et s'en va fâcher. De retour à San Diego, Kitty demande à Robert ou ils en sont après leur première nuit ensemble et pour toute réponse il l'invite au restaurant et l'embrasse.


Previously on "brothers and sisters"...

You're a tv heart throb with a girlfriend. It'd be stupid for me to think that this is, you know anything more than what it is.

I'm in rehab.

So you're out making amends, huh?

You are the best thing that's happened to me in a long time.

I'm seeing someone.

This is a vineyard called Greendale. William Walker felt very strongly that Ojai Food should be in the wine making business.

I just hope that someday I could be worthy of your love and respect, whether we're together or not.

We've been in here for, like,over a minute now. We haven't even done anything.

It's not that I don't want to I-I don't mean that I-I do want to. It's just that even if I did want to I couldn't.


Kitty and Robert are in bed.

Kitty : Oh! Oh.

Robert : Are you okay?

Kitty : Uh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. I'm fine. Uh

Robert : You sure?

Kitty : Yeah. How are you?

Robert : Okay. Oh, don't worry. You'll get used to my hair in the morning.

Kitty : Oh. Nah. No, it wasn't, wasn't that.

Robert : What was it?

Kitty : Uh, it was an earthquake.

Robert : Earthquake?

Kitty : Yeah, yeah. No, those, those happen in, in California. I think it was about a 5, or maybe even a-a 6.2 or something. You didn't feel it?

Robert : No.

Kitty : Huh. Well, um, check the news. I'm gonna go to the

Robert : Sure.

Kitty : You know, the, the bathroom.

Robert : That's the closet.

Kitty : Yeah. I knew that. Well, it's a pretty, pretty day. Ah, here's the bathroom.


Sarah, Kitty and Kevin talk about their night, on phone.

Sarah : Hey, Kit. How was your Valentine's?

Kitty : Oh, Sarah, thank god. Oh, Sarah, thank god. Thank god you picked up. You are never gonna believe this. I slept with Mccallister.

Sarah : Oh, god, Kitty, you scared me. I thought something bad had happened.

Kitty : Something bad did happen. Do you understand that I work for him? He, he is my boss.

Sarah : Oh, please. Sleeping with coworkers is like a reflex for you. Anyway, didn't you say he was also attracted to you?

Kitty : Yes, but we agreed that we wouldn't act on it. What am I gonna do?

Sarah : Give me a break. When have you ever slept with someone you didn't work with?

Kitty : Oh, you know what, Sarah? Be nice. Just be nice, okay? You know just it, it happened so fast. I hadn't even kissed him until last night and all of a sudden, we're sleeping together? I mean, what if he thinks I'm easy? I mean, just come on. Think back to your college days when you and all those guys.

Sarah : Finish that sentence and I am calling my favorite tabloid. So, how was he?

Kitty : Sarah, please as if I would ever even you know, he was great.

Sarah : Really? I thought the only position the republicans could commit to was missionary.

Kitty : Oh, can we just get back to the fact that I'm sitting in a hotel room with a naked politician/my boss? Oh, oh. Hold on. It's Kevin calling me.

Sarah : Okay.

Kitty : Hello, Kevin. Listen, I, I, I just, I cannot talk right now. I'm in the I'm in the middle of something very important.

Kevin : Nothing is more important than this. I slept with him.

Kitty : Who, Chad?

Kevin : Not Chad. I've already been sleeping with Chad.

Kitty : Well, what, what, there's something more surprising than you having a closeted affair with a soap star?

Kevin : Scotty. I slept with Scotty.

Kitty : Oh, well, that's great. I, I like Scotty.

Kevin : No, it's not great. He's my ex. Don't you know what that means?

Kitty : Oh, can you just hold, hold on one second. I'm on the other line with Sarah. Hey, Sarah, you're never gonna believe this. Kevin slept with Scotty last night. Hello?

Kevin : And just like that, you were gonna betray my trust.

Kitty : Oh, please. You know what, Kevin? You're like the CNN of our family. Just hold on. Hey, Sarah, sorry. So, uh, Kevin slept with Scotty last night.

Sarah : Shut up! Get the details. I'll hold. And I wouldn't go telling him about "Mr Smith goes to Washington," if you know what I mean.

Kitty : Okay, Kevin, spill it quickly. I have a crisis to avert over here.

Kevin : What crisis? It's 8:00 in the morning. Oh, did something happen last night? Did we get lit? Oh, my god. You and Mccallister?

Kitty : No! I didn't! I didn't! We didn't! We didn't!

Kevin : How does he look naked? I bet he looks good. Was it hot in that morally reprehensible kind of way? Justin's calling. Hold on. Guess what?

Justin : I messed up, bro.

Kevin : Uh, okay. What well, at least you're still alive.

Justin : Look, I didn't do drugs, moron just, just Tyler.

Kevin : Oh, you ass.

Justin : Seriously, bro, I'm not supposed to have sex yet. They think I'll just replace my drug addiction with

Kevin : Oh, and what, after rehab you're sworn to celibacy?

Justin : Yeah, kind of. Look, I gotta go.

Kevin : Okay, whatever. Justin got back with Tyler last night.

Kitty : Oh, you're kidding. Did you tell him?

Kevin : What, that we're both having sexes with exes? No, but I can't wait to. Mom's calling. Look, I'm gonna hang up so it'll go straight to voice mail or she'll know I'm avoiding her call.

Kitty : All right, all right, bye.

Sarah : You better have the crème de la gossip.

Kitty : So, uh, Justin slept with Tyler last night. Kevin is the source.

Sarah : You're all sluts! How is it that I am the only one that can't get laid on valentine's day?

Kitty : Mom is trying to call me now. Hang on.

Sarah : Don't you dare put me on hold. I want the juice. Call her back. Does the senator sleep in the nude?

Kitty : Well, in fact, um he does.

Sarah : Oh. Mom's calling me now. Your turn to hold. Hi, mom. Justin's fine. He's with Tyler.

Nora : Oh, good, good. That, that's not really why I called. For the record, sweetie I tried to bother Kitty and Kevin with this first.

Sarah : Well, I appreciate that, mom. What can I help you with?

Nora : Sarah, could you come pick me up, soon? I think I'm close to your work. And I'll need you to bring your checkbook.

Sarah : Where are you?

Nora : Well, you know that white building on Huntington boulevard across the street from the bank the one with the real tall fence around it?

Sarah : You mean the Pasadena police station?

Nora : Yes, sweetie, that's it. That's it.


To Ojai, Sarah, Saul and Tommy are talking about Greendale.

Saul : Bad news, Sarah.

Sarah : I'll call you back.

Saul : I just got off the phone with our real estate agent. Greendale vineyards was all but ours until Santa Ynez food company put in a higher bid.

Sarah : Oh, that is bad news.

Tommy : Dad used to drink with Bill Harmsen. Believe me the last thing that guy should be doing is, is trying to buy a vineyard.

Sarah : How much more did they offer?

Saul : $4 million.

Sarah : What?

Saul : That means we're looking a little over $8 million.

Sarah : So much for holly's spiel about the vineyard being undervalued.

Saul : Well, that doesn't mean that it wouldn't be a solid business investment.

Sarah : Are you kidding?

Tommy : Saul, there's nothing solid about the wine business especially when you dive into it headfirst with no experience.

Sarah : Exactly. Now can we please just close the book on this?

Tommy : Holly's gonna have an aneurysm.

Sarah : If Holly wants to overturn my decision as president, she's welcome to go to the board and get 75% of the vote to overrule me. Then again, probably not.

Saul : She still has a considerable amount of Ojai stock, Sarah.

Sarah : Oh, come on, Saul. If any major shareholder came in here with the same ridiculous proposal, they would get the same result. And as for Holly, as long as we don't have a gold-digging mistress division she's of absolutely no use to Ojai Foods or to me.


Kitty and Robert must go to San Diego to see Michael Pellington.

Kitty : Aah! What was that?

Robert : Football backbone of American sports.

Kitty : I thought the football season was over.

Robert : Office football has no season.

Kitty : Tax dollars hard at work. Can I, um, talk to you for a second?

Robert : Sure. What's up?

Kitty : Well, your scheduling person just told me that I had to go to San Diego for the night.

Robert : Sorry, I'm seeing a major donor, and I need it to look like, you know, people work for me.

Kitty : And I'm the only one going because

Robert : It's Valentine's day, and the rest of the staff is otherwise engaged.

Kitty : How do you know that I can go to San Diego? How do you know that I don't have any plans?

Robert : No, no, no, no,no. I know you. Told me. You're on a man-diet.

Kitty : A man-fast. It's a--it's a man-fast.

Robert : Because that sounds so much better.

Kitty : Who's the donor?

Robert : Michael Pellington.

Kitty : You, you mean the, the billionaire?

Robert : Hope so. Gonna be asking him for a lot of money.

Kitty : Mm-hmm.

Robert : Where are you going?

Kitty : I'm, I'm going home, to pack.

Robert : It's an overnight. Just throw something in a bag.

Kitty : I am going to San Diego with a U.S. Senator to see a billionaire. I am going to bring options.

Robert : Hey, kitty. Good catch.


Michelle and Kevin are talking about a meeting for Valentine's day.

Michelle : Isn't that your friend?

Chad : Yeah.

Michelle : What's his name again?

Chad : Uh, Kevin.

Michelle : Kevin! Come stretch with us. Come on. Don't be shy.

Chad : Hey.

Michelle : Look at those glutes. I can't believe you're single. You are single, right?

Chad : Yeah.

Michelle : I can see it in those sad blue eyes.

Chad : Michelle.

Michelle : What? He's a big boy. Let me hook you up with one of my friends.

Kevin : Do they look like you?

Michelle : Yes, they do.

Kevin : Then no.

Michelle : What, you like big boobs?

Kevin : Uh, I've retired from the boob business.

Michelle : Holy crap. You're, like gay.

Kevin : I'm not like gay. I'm the real thing.

Michelle : I'm the real thing. I love the way you talk. You're a funny guy, and you make, like, six figures. If you were straight, you would have the hottest girlfriend. So what kind of guys do you go for? Come on, Chad. What's his type?

Chad : Um, he's hard to please.

Michelle : What, businessmen?

Kevin : No.

Michelle : Ivy leaguers?

Kevin : Ugh.

Michelle : Big, beefy gym bunnies?

Kevin : I prefer them slightly waifish.

Michelle : Oh, my god. Oh, my god! The best guy for you ever!

Chad : Michelle, I'm not sure Kevin's so desperate to meet somebody. He's a busy guy.

Kevin : No, I'm, I'm interested.

Michelle : I can't believe I didn't think about this before. You guys will love each other. He's well put together. He's gorgeous. What are you doing tonight for valentine's?

Kevin : Nothing.

Michelle : Then it's official. You're coming to my sister's valentine's day party. Don't worry. I'm hooking you up huge. You're gonna thank me. I swear, all the best guys I meet are gay except you, of course, babe.


Holly is talking about Greendale with Tommy.

Holly : Hey, Tommy, do you have five minutes?

Tommy : For you, Holly, I have three.

Holly : I just got off the phone with Bill Harmsen. What an ass. I, I can't believe your father and he were friends.

Tommy : They weren't, just civil. Top two local-supplying orchards in the valley. Couldn't be any more direct competition. You know, in our heyday, dad used to compare Ojai Foods and Santa Ynez

Holly : To the Lakers and the Celtics. I remember.

Tommy : Yeah. It was a bad analogy.

Holly : If it was such a bad investment, why would your father's competitor be interested in the same property?

Tommy : Will you just let it go, all right? My sister's the president. She made the call.

Holly : Tommy, your father was going to buy the winery next year. He knew that when he wrote his will. He died before he could give you the vineyard. He wanted you to run it. That's why he left you as vice president of Ojai.

Tommy : What are you talkin' about?

Holly : It's the only reason that he brought Sarah on in the first place. It was too much responsibility for anyone to run both companies. He saw it as the future for this family, your future.

Tommy : Why would he think I'd know the first thing about a w--a winery?

Holly : He didn't know anything about wine either, but he knew about business, and he believed in you more than anyone. He knew you wouldn't let him down.

Tommy : Yeah. Look, Holly, this conversation is over.

Holly : Fair enough. I mean, it's really not your call anyhow.


Robert and Kitty go to San Diego.

Robert : You weren't kidding about the packing.

Kitty : Oh, well, I needed to plan for everything. I needed high heels, low heels, flats, sandals, sneakers, flip-flops, and those are just the shoes. So I figured out why we're going to see Michael Pellington.

Robert : Thank you. He's a major contributor.

Kitty : Oh, contributor, right, that's a very good cover. But I've been looking over your traveling schedule for the past few months stops in Iowa and new Hampshire.

Robert : We, I have family in new Hampshire, and my plane refuels in Iowa.

Kitty : Ah, so what are you gonna do about the other states with major primaries that don't have relatives or jet fuel?

Robert : I think they all pretty much have jet fuel.

Kitty : W-wait a minute. What's wrong with the elevator?

Robert : The elevator doesn't have roof access.

Kitty : We're going on that? I've never. no, I've I've never been on one before.

Robert : Bet you wish you'd packed less.

Kitty : Anyway, we're going to Pellington because you don't have enough money, not as much as you'd need to. Well, not even enough to form an exploratory committee to determine whether or not you could even raise the money.

Robert : If you're gonna ask me something, you should just ask it.

Kitty : Senator, are you running for president?

Robert : Well, yes I am, miss Walker. You know what else? I'm gonna win.


To Ojai, Tommy wants to buy Greendale.

Sarah : Oh, god, I absolutely have to have sex with my husband tonight. It is a biological imperative.

Tommy : Can we talk about the numbers on the winery? I think your valuation was too low.

Sarah : Oah. Where did that come from?

Tommy : Well, I think you overestimated the first quarter losses.

Sarah : I don't think. We know absolutely nothing about wine.

Tommy : Oh, what, you think dad had intrinsic knowledge about fruit?

Sarah : She got to you, didn't she?

Tommy : Sarah, I think you're in denial about how well Holly knew dad and what he told her.

Sarah : What exactly has she been telling you? What line of bull

Saul : Happy valentine's day! One's mind grasps for a bigger oxymoron.

Tommy : Look, admit it. You might be ignoring a possibility because of your pride.

Sarah : Tommy, she's manipulating you.

Tommy : Will you give me some credit?

Saul : Credit for what?

Tommy : She said dad was gonna buy it for me to run.

Sarah : Oh. Oh, boy. That's not even manipulation. That's just evil.

Tommy : See, this is what I'm talkin' about. You don't trust my judgment, even though the last time you did we found $30 million.

Saul : Tommy. Oh, boy. Holly's doing?

Sarah : That woman, she's a piece of work.

Saul : I won't have her driving a wedge between you two. I'll deal with her.

Sarah : Thank you, Saul. That allows me to spend the rest of my day focusing on the really important work, which is trying to find a babysitter for valentine's night.


Saul talks to Holly about Greendale.

Holly : I regretted what I said to Tommy soon as the words came out of my mouth. I, I knew how they could be misinterpreted.

Saul : Misinterpreted?

Holly : What I said to him was the truth, and Sarah, well, I, I know that I cannot change her opinion of me, which is why I approached him in the first place.

Saul : So you can see now how that was an error in judgment?

Holly : I can, I do, and I'm sorry. It won't happen again.

Saul : Yeah. Okay.

Holly : Then I have another proposal for you, dinner tonight.

Saul : Dinner on valentine's day? Well, I, I think we've been down that road before, Holly, so

Holly : This would be a completely different road, a totally platonic one two friends, who have no one to be with on a holiday. Come on. For old time's sake?


Kitty and Robert are in San Diego.

Robert : Well, I know it may seem unlikely, but like Kennedy said, "fortune favors the brave."

Kitty : No, Virgil wrote that. Kennedy said, "those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly."

Robert : Same difference.

Kitty : So why didn't you tell me?

Robert : I did tell you.

Kitty : Well, after I figured it out. I mean, did it ever occur to you that some of the people who you work with don't want to be part of a presidential race?

Robert : Then they'll quit.

Kitty : Did it ever occur to you that maybe I don't want to be part of a presidential race, that this isn't what I signed up for?

Robert : Really?

Kitty : Really

Robert : 'Cause I'm fairly certain that you don't see yourself running communications for a senator for the rest of your life. You and I both know it'd be a profound waste of your talent. You ought to be center stage, not bush league.

Kitty : We really have to do something about your mixing of metaphors. Senator, I'm, I'm sorry, but you're, you're just not gonna get the presidential nomination.

Robert : Well, then I'll work on my metaphors.

Kitty : Ah. Here we go.

Michael : Bob, so sorry.

Robert : Michael.

Michael : Korean cell phone company we recently acquired nothing but a thorn in my side.

Robert : Michael, I want you to meet Kitty Walker. Kitty, Michael Pellington, the man who pillaged silicon valley.

Kitty : What a title.

Michael : Bob flatters me. I didn't pillage anyone's valley. I might have plundered it slightly.


Chad give a present, for Valentine's day, to Kevin.

Kevin : Who is this guy? The guy Michelle’s trying to set me up with? Am I gonna like him?

Chad : No. You've already fallen for somebody else.

Kevin : This whole affair's giving my ulcer an anxiety attack.

Chad : It's my career, Kev. We've been over this.

Kevin : I know. It's just taking its toll on me, that's all. You're never gonna want anything more than what we have, and I'm always going to. There's an inevitable outcome here, Chad.

Chad : You're not my prisoner. I'm not making you stay in this.

Kevin : No, we're both your prisoner.

Chad : I'm sorry. I don't know what else to do. Here. It's a valentine. Make up for dragging you into the closet with me for this long.

Kevin : This is way too much.

Chad : No, it's not. Please come tonight. I know we can't be together for valentine's day, but that doesn't mean I don't want to see you.


Nora wants to go to the restaurant with Justin for Valentine's day.

Nora : Oh, look, here's a picture of you and Tyler. I really liked her. She was so sweet and had direction, not like the other one what was her name, chick or calf or

Justin : Fawn, mom, Fawn.

Nora : Fawn. I didn't care for fawn. Whatever happened to Tyler?

Justin : Uh, she's seeing someone else.

Nora : Oh. Have you given her a call?

Justin : Nope. I'm gonna leave that alone.

Nora : No girl wants to be left alone. And so what if she turns you down once or ten times? The only things of real value in life are the things you have to fight for.

Justin : That's great, mom. So you're teaching me to be a stalker.

Nora : Well, since you have no plans for valentine's day, maybe we could do something together. I have reservations at this great little french restaurant. Maybe we could go to the animated movie. After that, with the animals, you know, that escape from the zoo or the farm whatever and they all go nuts.

Justin : What up?

Sarah : Hey, snot face.

Justin : Uh-oh. You only call me snot face when you want something. What is it?

Sarah : Uh, yeah. Yeah. Listen, um, I know this is a lot to ask on valentine's day, and you just got home and everything, and you can absolutely say no, but, um, is there any chance you could babysit for Paige and Cooper tonight?

Justin : Absolutely, I'm in. I'll be right over.

Sarah : You...

Justin : Mom?

Nora : What?

Justin : I need to go babysit for Joe and Sarah. I love you. Happy valentine's day. I'm sorry.

Nora : Well, I could babysit.


Michael Pellington invite Kitty for a dinner.

Michael : I'm sorry I can't help you.

Kitty : Oh, but, but we haven't asked you for anything yet.

Michael : Yet. But you will. In fact, you will ask me for money, enough to bankroll the first few months, stop me when I'm wrong.

Robert : Keep talkin'.

Michael : You see, miss Walker, people don't come to my office for the view, certainly not war hero senators with triangulated voting records.

Robert : I prefer "mainstream."

Michael : Your entire political career has been aimed towards the White House, and you know what? I admire that. But, Bob, and I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this you are a poor investment. See, you're not gonna get the nomination. You're young, you're catholic, you're from California, your brother's gay, and forget all that, there's the divorce. It totally knocks you out of this round. I'm sorry. I just can't say it any plainer than that.

Kitty : But even if you could, it wouldn't make you more right. Voters just want somebody who can do the job. They want a leader, and leaders are not made by satisfying some set of criteria, marital or otherwise. In fact, leaders aren't made at all. They stand out, self-evident, because they can lead, and you happen to be sitting across from somebody who can. Now please, we're not trying to sell you. We're not trying to convince you, but I do think that by 2008, when we're transitioning into the White House, you're gonna be damn sorry that you missed this opportunity. So I think we're done here. Oh, but there is one more thing. His name's not Bob. It's Robert. And you really should be calling him "senator." Millions of people didn't elect him to office to be called Bob, Mike.

Michael : She hasn't been doing this long, has she?

Robert : No, not at all. Should I go get her?

Michael : Oh, no, no, no. It's, uh let me. Miss Walker, I'm intrigued by your enthusiasm for the senator. Clearly he has made believer out of you, and from what I can tell, that is not an easy task. That is impressive. So if you're free this evening, I'd like to talk to you about it over dinner.

Kitty : Well, sure, I think the senator and I are free.

Michael : No, not him. Just you.


Chad : Hey. How's it going?

Kevin : Good. I'll get you a drink.

Chad : So I can end up the lead story on "defamer" tomorrow? No, thanks.

Kevin : It'll make you more comfortable, which will make me more comfortable.

Chad : Yeah, I don't know

Michelle : There you are. And I need you, you for dancing, and you for meeting the man of your dreams.

Kevin : You should really have us trade.

Michelle : Kevin, this is Scotty.

Scotty : Kevin, nice to meet you.

Kevin : Yeah, nice to meet you.


Paige : This is so lame. Can't we go do something, uncle Justin?

Justin : What do you want to do? What do you want

Cooper : Ice cream!

Justin : No ice cream! I'm not putting any more sugar in you, little boy. What time do you guys go to bed?

Cooper : We're allowed to stay up until 4:00.

Justin : So does uncle Justin look that stupid to you?

Cooper : Did you ever see "Narnia"? It's so cool.

Paige : Oh! Oh, yeah, yeah! Where the lion

Cooper : Paige, I'm telling the story!

Justin : Yeah, I think it's on tv tonight. I think it's on tv tonight. We can watch it. We can watch it. We can watch it. That's my phone. That's my phone. Where's my phone? Where's my phone? Where's my...

Paige : I want a cell phone.

Justin : No cell phones for, Tyler?

Tyler : Justin?

Justin : Tyler!

Paige : Who's Tyler?

Tyler : Who's that?

Justin : Uh, that's, uh, that's Paige. I'm, I'm babysitting.

Tyler : Yeah, I kind of figured you'd be stag on valentine's day.

Justin : Uh, yeah, but what about you?

Tyler : Just waiting for my boyfriend to show up. Um, we're going to some Italian place in Los Feliz, and I just wanted to make sure someone wished you a happy valentine's day. And I guess I was thinking, and never mind. I shouldn't have called.

Justin : Tyler, wait

Tyler : This was a bad idea. I gotta go.

Justin : Tyler, wait!

Paige : Stop.

Justin : All right, I got an idea. Who's hungry? Who's hungry?

Cooper : Ice cream! Yeah!

Justin : But no ice cream! I haven't what about Italian?


Nora and Emily are in a restaurant.

Nora : Emily, thank you so much for coming with me tonight. Can't let a good reservation go to waste.

Emily : Oh, honey, I know that look.

Nora : What?

Emily : That's the, that's the "everybody in the restaurant's happy but me" look, isn't it?

Nora : I'm sorry. I'm pathetic.

Emily : You go on. I'll just, I'll be the the rapist here. How's that?

Nora : Really?

Emily : Mm-hmm.

Nora : Well, I think this is an easy one to diagnose. I mean, here we are using this reservation that I made in anticipation that my husband would be alive. And he's not. And my children are all grown with lives of their own, which is great. It's fabulous. I don't know, Emily I don't have a life.

Emily : Ooh.

Nora : I have no life.

Emily : Oh, honey, you so need to get out more. I mean, I know it's hard, but you really have to force yourself to.

Nora : Force myself to what? Force myself to what? I'm gonna start over again at 60? I don't think so.

Emily : I know what you need. You need something that will take your mind off everything, something that will help you relax, and I just happen to have what you need here, where I keep it with me at all times. Ta-da!

Nora : Put that away. Are you out, put it away!

Emily : No. What's it, it'll be fun! It's no big deal. It's just grass.

Nora : What is this, peer pressure? Put that away!

Emily : Of course it's peer pressure. Peer pressure's what makes the world go round. You know that.

Nora : No, no, no.

Emily : I'll bet you you haven't let down that perfect, still-brown hair for a long time, have you?

Nora : No, absolutely, Justin just got out of rehab, for goodness I, I never liked grass. It makes me stupid. I wouldn't even remember how I don't even remember the '60s. No.

Emily : Darling, nobody remembers the '60s. That was half the fun. You do remember how to have fun, don't you?


Scotty and Kevin are drinking at the bar.

Scotty : Aren't you the little risk-taker? Look at you, really making a statement this evening dressed to take the singles out of the party.

Kevin : Look, I know I can't stop you from hating me, but do you think you could pull back just a little on the mocking?

Scotty : Maybe, that is quite the masculine watch.

Kevin : I guess not. That's quite the masculine haircut.

Scotty : Leave the mocking to the professionals.

Chad : You okay? Scott, right?

Scotty : Tee. Close enough.

Chad : You good, Kev?

Kevin : Yeah, great.

Scotty : My gaydar just red-lined. How do you know Michelle again?

Kevin : I do boot camp with her.

Scotty : No, you do boot camp with him.

Kevin : To being friends of friends.

Scotty : I should have known, honestly. What were the odds? How many gay lawyer Kevins do you think there are in this town?

Kevin : I'll tell you this much you couldn't come more highly recommended.

Scotty : Neither could you. "Kevin, the hot teddy bear of an attorney." Tell me, did I live to the type?

Kevin : Beyond my wildest expectations. How about me?

Scotty : Better than advertised.

Kevin : You better watch out. I'm a little drunk. You might be able to take advantage of me.

Scotty : Oh, is that a premature excuse?

Kevin : I miss you sometimes.

Scotty : Me, too. Sometimes.


Kitty is at the restaurant with Michael Pellington.

Kitty : Wow, his is amazing. You've rented out the entire restaurant.

Michael : Renting is a waste of money. It's expense without equity. I, I own the place.

Kitty : You own the restaurant.

Michael : Uh, no, I own the hotel. Uh, the restaurant kind of came with it. I, I bought the hotel because my very first business meeting was right here.

Kitty : You know, if you wanted a memento, I'm sure they probably sold postcards in the gift shop.

Michael : I was trying to get the owner to invest in my first tech company, and he turned me down flat. So when I took the company public, I came back here, and I bought his hotel.

Kitty : Well, he made a very big mistake underestimating you.

Michael : Well...

Kitty : But I'm having a very hard time being impressed by your good investments when you're so willing to pass up a great one.

Michael : I'm impressed with you, which is not the same thing as being impressed with your boss.

Kitty : Well, if you're as impressed with me as you say you are, you would trust my judgment.

Michael : Why do you think we're sitting here having dinner? But I will need more than your endorsement to write the kind of check you're talking about.

Kitty : Did you know that in the last election, only 26% of young voters put their trust in the republican party? 26%. You want to know why? Because while we were very concerned with our medals and our religion and our family values, the future of this country was looking for someone to bridge the gap between the college campus and the retirement home. Senator Mccallister is that someone.


Emily and Nora are arrested by an officer.

Emily : You feeling better? I feel better.

Nora : You know on the one hand here

Emily : Yeah?

Nora : I feel rejuvenated.

Emily : Yeah, I can see that. Good, good. And on the other hand? What are you feeling on the other hand?

Nora : Let me look. I'm gonna throw up.

Emily : Oh, no, no, no, no, no. You just have to relax here.

Nora : Ooh. Okay. Just relax. All right, I'm relaxed.

Emily : Relax, relax. Everyone does this, you know?

Nora : Everyone does a lot of things here, you know.

Emily : Everyone does a lot of things. Yeah, everyone does a lot of things.

Nora : Everyone does a lot of things. Everyone does a lot of things. That is so great. I got a remember that one.

Emily : What are you doing?

Nora : Everyone does a lot of things. I'm gonna write it down.

Emily : What are you, you don't, you can write it down in your mind, you know.

Nora : I gotta find my pencil and write it. Emily.

Emily : What?

Nora : I lost my face. Where's my face? I once had a face and a life. I lost my life. I used to be pretty. I used to be happy. I lost it all.

Emily : You still look like you're 40 to me.

Nora : Is that 40?

Emily : I can't believe you.

Officer : Is everything okay in there?

Emily : Get this give this to me. Here.

Nora : Oh, no! Are you kidding me?

Emily : No, shh! Now you, you do not

Officer : Would you two step out of the vehicle, please?

Emily : Okay, Sir. Okay, coming! Oh, my god. Look, I'm Emily Craft.

Nora : Yes, you're Emily Craft.

Emily : You're Nora Walker.

Nora : I'm Nora Walker.

Emily : We're two nice old ladies. Out you go.

Nora : Nice. I'm not old. You said I look like I was 40.

Emily : Out you go. Legs together.

Nora : Officer?

Officer : Having a little fun tonight, ladies?

Nora : Sir, I can really explain this.

Officer : I doubt that very much,ma'am. You two are under arrest for suspicion of possession and the use of a controlled substance. You have the right to remain silent.


Justin find Tyler and he wants to talk with her.

Paige : Uncle Justin, why are we going to so many different restaurants?

Justin : Because there was like 19 different Italian restaurants in Los Feliz, and I don't know where my friend Tyler is.

Woman : Sir, do you have, do you have a reservation?

Justin : Uh, yes, I do. Hey.

Tyler : Justin. What are you doing here?

Justin : Uh, can I talk to you for a second?

Tyler's boyfriend : No, you can’t. Tyler, who is this guy?

Tyler : He's, uh he's a friend.

Paige : They were boyfriend and girlfriend.

Cooper : Gross.

Tyler : We weren't that serious, actually.

Tyler's boyfriend : Okay, you know what, man? How about you get on your way, right now?

Justin : Look, I'll get out of here right after I say what I came to 19 different restaurants to say. Look, I didn't come here to win you back, Tyler. I hope you'll come back to me. But I'm not dumb enough to think that anyone can just win you. But I just wanted to let you know what you mean to me. And I, I sort of getting clean, and, and getting clean is the hardest thing I've ever done in my entire life. But one of the things that got me through it is the hope that someday, that I'll, I'll get to be with someone like you again. So happy valentine’s. I'm, I'm, I'm sorry I ruined it, but you called me first. I'm sorry for interrupting your meal. Um, happy valentine's day.

Paige : Uncle Justin, I'm sorry.

Justin : Oh, thanks, Paige. That's sweet.

Tyler : Justin! Can I see you later?

Justin : Uh yeah, yeah! Yeah, that'd be great.

Tyler : I would kiss you right now, but it would be a really rotten thing to do. I have to go break up first.

Justin : Uh, uh, call me. I’ll be on my cell.

Tyler : Okay. Okay, bye.

Cooper : Bye! Bye.

Justin : Yeah!Yeah!


Michael Pellington give money to Robert.

Robert : We are celebrating. Put on your dancin' shoes. We’re goin' out.

Kitty : Dancing?

Robert : It's a mixed metaphor. I spoke to Pellington. He wanted to talk about greenhouse gas emissions and carbon caps.

Kitty : I hope you didn't make any promises.

Robert : No, I told him you can't just tax emissions and hinder business. You gotta use the free market and build a green economy.

Kitty : Well, what did he think of that answer?

Robert : He's in. I'm serious. Put on your dancin' shoes.

Kitty : I think we'd better hold off on our rug cutting until his check clears.

Robert : I'm not worried about it. As long as you didn't sleep with him.

Kitty : Well, this isn't indecent proposal,"and believe me, I am no Demi Moore.

Robert : I always had a major thing for her. Hey, there's still a few more hours left in valentine's day. I think we should go find all the happy couples and, you know, throw things at them.

Kitty : Senator, I, I think you need to go. It's late, and, uh I'm tired. Good night.

Robert : Why? If we both feel the same way about each other, why should I go? And if you say it's because you work for me, or you're on a man-cleanse or 'cause I'm recently divorced or whatever other excuse you're gonna come up with, then I'm here to tell you you are about to be outargued, because while you were down there dining, I was coming up with a list of counterpoints

Kitty : Senator, you are eying a run for the U.S. Presidency. You, you just can't afford any distractions right now.

Robert : In a debate, I get a rebuttal.

Kitty : Okay. Okay, what? What could you possibly say that. Okay. Okay, well, you make a good point.

Robert : And furthermore


Kevin cheated Chad with Scotty.

Kevin : What, that we're both having sexes with exes? No, but I can't wait to. Mom's calling. Look, I'm gonna hang up so it'll go straight to voice mail, or she'll know I'm avoiding her call.

Kitty : All right. All right, bye.

Scotty : Good morning, mister.

Kevin : Good morning. Do you want some, oh, I'm sorry. I have to take this. Hey, how was the rest of the party?

Chad : You went home with that guy, didn't you?

Kevin : Uh, is that fair?

Chad : Did you sleep with him? That's all I want to know.

Kevin : Uh, you don't, actually, want to know.

Chad : I was gonna talk to Michelle. I was gonna, you know what? Forget it.

Kevin : What? Chad, don't

Chad : Don't call me, all right?

Scotty : So last night was about making someone else jealous.

Kevin : I don't know.

Scotty : Well, it obviously worked. You know, you almost have to love the irony. You're right where I was with you a few months ago.

Kevin : You know, you ended things with me, Scotty.

Scotty : Now you know how hard it is to love someone who doesn't love himself. I feel sorry for you. Good luck, Kevin.


Nora comes back home with Sarah.

Nora : It's just a travesty. I mean, what has this city come to when the police are arresting two little,old two mature women and throwing 'em in jail for the night?

Sarah : Well, maybe if you had shown some maturity and not resisted arrest

Nora : I never resist no one ever, oh. Wouldn't my tax dollars be better spent arresting drug dealers or bangers?

Sarah : Gang bangers. Mom, maybe you shouldn't be so judgmental now that you have a record.

Nora : Any chance of you not telling your siblings out this?

Sarah : Not a big chance, no.

Nora : Sarah, please, in the name of all that's holy I'm the one who bought you your first bra. I'm not above playing the guilt card.

Sarah : Sorry, mom.

Nora : Who did you tell?

Sarah : Oh, come on, mom! You spent a night in jail for smoking pot. This family should have,like, a bat signal for things that good.

Nora : Oh,

Sarah : Don't worry about it. If I were you I would be trying to live as many great stories as I could. You've had too much responsibility for too long.

Nora : Yeah, I know. Being good for this family has been my sole purpose of existence for as long as I can remember. I don't know. Maybe it's the residual cannabis talking, but what is the meaning of life supposed to be the rest of my life?

Sarah : To enjoy it however you want. Oh, mom, you don't have to worry about being good. You, you should just be worried about having fun. Thou you might want to draw the line at things that get you arrested.

Nora : Yeah. Well, if it's all right with you, I am gonna take a shower for about an hour.

Sarah : Here.

Nora : Thank you for picking me up.

Sarah : Of course, mom. I know you'd do the same for me. Sorry.

Nora : Oh, that jail had a particular smell, like lilacs dipped in urine.

Sarah : Nice.

Tommy and Justin : Yeah!

Nora : Oh, no.

Tommy : This is the best day of my life.

Justin : Who knew you were the black sheep of the family?

Tommy : Wow. Can we talk for a second?

Sarah : Sure.

Tommy : I'm proud of you.

Nora : Shut up.

Justin : Gimme a high five, mom.

Nora : No. God.

Sarah : So what's up?

Tommy : I just wanted to give you a heads-up. Holly's going to the board to try to over turn your decision not to counter on the vineyard.

Sarah : That woman is a nut job.

Tommy : I'm backing her play.

Sarah : You're what?

Tommy : Look, I think the opportunity's right. I think the investment is right, and I think it's what dad wanted. I'm voting with Holly.


Kitty and Robert come back from San Diego.

Kitty : What happens now?

Robert : We go downstairs.

Kitty : Then what?

Robert : I'm gonna go to my office, check my e-mail, so you can do whatever you want.

Kitty : No, no, I meant about you and me.

Robert : I think I just covered that office, e-mail

Kitty : No, I mean if you don't think that this is gonna work, then, then, then I completely understand. I mean, if it's too complicated for you and, and your kids and, and your divorce and your and not to mention your, your presidential bid, I mean, we can, honestly, we can just pretend that last night never happened. I mean, no, no, no, not that it wasn't memorable. I mean, it was. It was you know, it was great. But, but if you don't think this will definitely work, you're probably right.

Robert : Well, you know, there's just one problem. I like you.

Kitty : Oh, great. You like me. So what does that mean? What does that mean, we get to hold hands at Cindy Burke roller rink party?

Robert : No, I was thinking maybe dinner, maybe sushi. But I don't rent out entire restaurants, unlike some people.

Kitty : Oh, no, he, he actually he owns it.

Robert : My point being, people are gonna see us, Kitty, and I want you to know that I won't be caring.



Ecrit par cycy12

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