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#116 : L'autre Walker

Toute la famille Walker apprend l'existence de Rebecca la fille illégitime de William.

Nora éprouve  beaucoup de mal à gérer la nouvelle. Elle reproche à Sarah de ne jamais lui en avoir parlé auparavant alors qu'elle était au courant que son père avait eu une fille avec Holly.


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The other Walker

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L'autre Walker

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Holly Harper (Patricia Wetting) et Saul Holden (Ron Rifkin)

Holly Harper (Patricia Wetting) et Saul Holden (Ron Rifkin)

Holly Harper (Patricia Wetting) et Saul Holden (Ron Rifkin) regardent un livre de cuisine

Holly Harper (Patricia Wetting) et Saul Holden (Ron Rifkin) regardent un livre de cuisine

Rebecca Harper (Emily VanCamp) se présente à Saul Holden (Ron Rifkin)

Rebecca Harper (Emily VanCamp) se présente à Saul Holden (Ron Rifkin)

Holly Harper (Patricia Wetting) et Rebecca Harper (Emily VanCamp)

Holly Harper (Patricia Wetting) et Rebecca Harper (Emily VanCamp)

Saul Holden (Ron Rifkin) et Holly Harper (Patricia Wetting)

Saul Holden (Ron Rifkin) et Holly Harper (Patricia Wetting)

Robert McCallister (Rob Lowe) et Kitty Walker (Calista Flockhart)

Robert McCallister (Rob Lowe) et Kitty Walker (Calista Flockhart)

Robert McCallister (Rob Lowe) et Kitty Walker (Calista Flockhart)

Robert McCallister (Rob Lowe) et Kitty Walker (Calista Flockhart)

Nora Walker (Sally Field) accuse la nouvelle

Nora Walker (Sally Field) accuse la nouvelle


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Dimanche 04.03.2007 à 22:00

Plus de détails

Au petit matin, Justin a la surprise de retrouver Nora et Tyler en grande discussion dans la cuisine et le seul sujet de conversation des deux femmes est lui. Nora raconte des souvenirs d'adolescences de Justin ce qui le met mal à l'aise et n'arrange pas l'état de nervosité du jeune homme qui doit rencontrer les parents de Tyler le soir même.

Saul découvre que Rebecca est de retour définitif chez sa mère, il convoque un mini conseil de famille ou est réuni les personnes au courant de son existence. Saul est partisan de tout révéler compte tenu du passé familiale mais Sarah, Tommy et Kevin sont contre cette idée et Saul est obligé de se ranger à l'avis du plus grand nombre.

Confronter à un problème moderne, Chad voit sa vie bouleversée par un article dans un site Web du nom de Skinny Minnie ou il est mention de sa possible homosexualité. Kevin se propose de l'aider en contactant le responsable du site, Dan Silk pour lui faire peur avec la menace de nombreuses poursuites judiciaires. Chad lui demande de ne pas intervenir que ces rumeurs s'éteignent toutes seules si on ne leur donne pas de munitions.

Nora déjeune avec Saul au restaurant. Nora avoue à Saul qu'elle commence à accepter Holly et peut être qu'elle l'a jugé trop rapidement. Voyant cela Saul n'a pas d'autre choix que de révéler que William et Holly ont eu un enfant ensemble, une fille du nom de Rebecca. Nora est anéantie par cette nouvelle et demande qui est au courant, Saul lui répond que seuls Justin et Kitty ne savent rien. Nora part aussitôt les prévenir ne voulant plus de secret dans sa famille.

Après l'annonce de l'existence de Rebecca, Justin est sur le point de retomber dans ses vieux démons, mais il se reprend à temps et téléphone à son parrain. Le dîner de Sarah et de Kitty avec leurs compagnons respectifs se transforme vite en règlement de compte entre les deux soeurs et les hommes préfèrent s'éclipser. A Ojail Kevin est hors de lui, il en veut à Saul d'avoir fait cavalier seul dans cette histoire et si la famille ne réussit pas à surmonter la bombe Rebecca il le tiendra pour unique responsable.

De retour chez Robert, Kitty ne sait pas trop comment réagir devant le faite qu'elle a une autre soeur et surtout elle pleure un père qui s'avère être un total inconnu. Robert l'a soutient dans cette épreuve et ne veut pas que cette révélation vienne gâcher leur bonheur naissant. Au grand soulagement de Nora et Tyler, Justin rentre enfin à la maison. Tyler a eu très peur que Justin retombe dans la drogue et ne sait pas trop si elle peut gérer la post-cure de Justin et lui ne peut pas se consacrer à une autre personne que lui en ce moment. Malgré leurs sentiments très forts, ils rompent.

Chad ne comprend pas pourquoi le responsable du site continue à le harceler à propos de sa vie privée. Il comprend en voyant la tête de Kevin que ce dernier a téléphoné au gérant du site. Il se met en colère et Kevin lui présente ses excuses.

De retour chez elle, Rebecca retrouve sa mère dans le salon. Elle lui raconte qu'elle est passée à Ojail pour la voir. A défaut d'avoir trouvé sa mère, elle a rencontré ses collègues et surtout Sarah Walker, avec qui elle a beaucoup discuté et Holly semble nerveuse. Rebecca se remémore son opération des végétations et la visite de William Walker à l'hôpital. Elle reproche à Holly de ne pas avoir dit la vérité, allant même présenté William comme un simple ami alors qu'il était son père. Holly est furieuse envers Sarah pour avoir dit la vérité à sa fille, les reproches fusent et la guerre est déclarée entre les deux femmes.

Après sa dispute avec Holly, Sarah va voir sa mère pour lui demander pourquoi elle lui en veut plus qu'à Kevin ou à Tommy, Nora croyait avoir une relation privilégiée avec elle, basée sur la confiance et elle se sent trompée et trahie. En fin de soirée, Justin va chez Holly pour rencontrer Rebecca, la jeune femme est au départ un peu froide avec lui mais elle se rend compte bien vite que Justin est sincère dans se démarche et veut seulement la connaître.


Previously on "Brothers and Sisters"...

You're gonna buy all my interest in Ojai foods.

We can't

Holly and I are gonna take the proceeds from the sale of the stock and buy Greendale winery.

I'm not supposed to have sex yet.

They think I'll just replace my drug addiction-

Oh, and what, after rehab you're sworn to celibacy?

Yeah, kinda. I gotta go.

You're looking for something. I'm not enough for you.

Am I enough for you?

Are you running for president?

Well, yes, I am, miss Walker.

Dad had another kid, with Holly.

Does mom know about this?

No. And, Kevin, she never will.

You told your sister about us?

Just that we're friends. It's, it's fine. Don't worry. We gotta be careful.

The prodigal daughter returns. I thought it would be a nice surprise.

Oh, my god.


Kitty and Robert in bed.

Kitty : Hey.

Robert : Do you know what this the editorial is about? That one of the reasons that governor Whitmore's candidacy is a stretch is because his daughter is too fat to be first daughter. She's 13.

Kitty : You're right. That's awful.

Robert : Yeah. I mean, my children are going through a divorce. They need time. They don't need to be judged by the national media or anyone. And not to mention

Kitty : No. No, no. No way. I'm not gonna be a factor in that decision.

Robert : Well, you know that there's no way for us to have a normal relationship. You can forget about it, right?

Kitty : Okay. There is a personal cost when you run for president. But as far as we're concerned, there's no reason why you and I can't be a normal couple.

Robert : How?

Kitty : Well, uh, for starters, we could try and sleep in a little bit.

Robert : Is that what normal couples do? What about this?

Kitty : Uh, yeah. Yeah, that's normal.


Saul is at Holly's house with her.

Saul : That cannot be a good thing.

Holly : No, no. It's, it's gearing up. Just give it a few minutes.

Saul : Come on, Holly. Listen to that. It sounds like it's in its final death throes.

Holly : No! No,that's impossible. It's brand-new.

Saul : Oh. my condolences.

Holly : Maybe we better read the manual.

Saul : Okay.

Holly : Um, how's your Italian?

Saul : Very good.

Rebecca : L.A sucks. I spent one hour on the 110, and I missed breakfast with Caitlin. Sorry. I didn't realize you had a guest.

Holly : No, it's fine. Saul, this is my daughter Rebecca. Saul and I work together at Ojai.

Saul : Yeah, it's so nice to meet you, Rebecca. Your mother never said that you were so lovely.

Rebecca : Oh, I guess mom doesn't talk about me much, 'cause I doubt she'd use the word "lovely.

Holly : Becca, that was a compliment. Say thank you.

Rebecca : Thank you.

Saul : You're welcome.

Rebecca : Is there any cereal left?

Holly : Uh, yeah. Try the top shelf.

Saul : Well, I didn't realize it was getting to be so late. It was very nice to meet you, Rebecca. Bye.

Holly : We'll talk more at the office.

Rebecca : Sorry about, um interrupting the mid morning booty call. Maybe you should put a sock on the door or something.

Holly : Saul was just helping me with the coffee machine.

Rebecca : Oh, is that what the senior set is calling it these days?

Holly : Yes, we are seeing each other, if that's what you mean.

Rebecca : Well, at least that embarrassing little run-inclarified some things the sudden windfall, the winery, the Maserati, the crazy-expensive housewares.

Holly : Saul has nothing to do with any of that.

Rebecca : Right.

Holly : Becca, I told you the truth. A close friend died and left me some money. This is a good thing, Becca. I mean, you can go back to college if you want. You can take classes--writing, photography. You can travel if you want. The point is, we have options. Why can't you be happy?

Rebecca : I would be happy if we had coffee.

Holly : Okay.


To Ojai, they are talking about Rebecca.

Sarah : No, we swore for the sake of our sisterhood that we would never,ever,ever ask each other to double-date again ever.

Kitty : Oh, come on, Sarah. We were 19 years old. That is ancient history, and besides, I already told Robert that you would come.

Sarah : Oh, it's Robert now?

Kitty : Well, I have seen the birthmark on his butt, so we're on a first-name basis. Would you just come on? It'll be fun.

Sarah : One thing Joe and I are not at the moment is fun. I'd say we're downright gloomy.

Kitty : Well, shake it up. Get out.

Sarah : Yeah, right ,um intensive couples counseling didn't work, but a good dinner out, that'll fix everything.

Kitty : Look, Sarah, I know that you and Joe have been having a hard time, but if I honestly believed that staying home was gonna help, then I would just drop it.

Saul : Sarah, there's a problem.

Sarah : Okay, listen, fine. But if it's a complete disaster, don't say I didn't tell you. What's the problem?

Saul : It's your sister.

Sarah : I just got off the phone with her.

Saul : Not kitty.

Sarah : What do you mean you knew?

Tommy : What? I ran into her at holly's house the other day.

Saul : And you didn't think that was worth mentioning?

Tommy : I didn't think any of you wanted to hear it.

Sarah : No. Well, you're right about that.

Kevin : Well, what was she like?

Tommy : I don't know. She, she seemed fine.

Kevin : Well, how long is she staying? I mean, if this is just a visit, I'd say we drop it.

Saul : It's not just a visit. Apparently, she's dropped out of college and was living with a friend in Chicago. And when that didn't work out, she moved back home indefinitely.

Sarah : Sounds like Holly raised a real winner.

Saul : Despite your opinion of Holly or Rebecca, the question remains, what are we going to do?

Sarah : Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Not with everything that's been going on here.

Tommy : And what's that supposed to mean?

Sarah : What I mean, Tommy, is do you really think this business with Holly can go on if mom finds out about Rebecca?

Tommy : Ugh, this is exactly why I didn't want to say anything.

Saul : Excuse me, Holly is in our lives now. She is working here. What if Nora runs into Rebecca? What if your mother asks questions? I say we tell her.

Sarah : I can't believe I'm hearing this from you, Saul. Mom finding out now will destroy her. Besides, you're in a relationship with Holly. How long do you think that can last if this whole thing blows up?

Saul : We all have things at stake, Sarah. At least if it's out in the open we have a chance to diffuse it.

Kevin : Saul, Rebecca's lived in this city most of her life. It hasn't affected any of us. Justin and Kitty don't even know she exists.

Sarah : That's another thing. I mean, Justin’s just out of rehab. Are we really gonna throw this at him?

Kevin : Right.

Saul : If your mother found out that we were keeping this from her

Tommy : We've been keeping it from her for--for months.

Saul : That was before Rebecca moved back home. Our chances of keeping this a secret from her are

Sarah : Saul, nobody will find out if we don't tell them. Now Holly's lied to Rebecca her whole life. I don't think she's gonna risk telling her now.

Saul : Come on. Haven't we learned anything this year?

Sarah : Tommy, you're with us, right?

Tommy : Yeah.

Kevin : Good.

Saul : Apparently, you've all made up your minds.

Sarah : It's settled then.


At Nora's kitchen, Tyler and Nora talk about Justin.

Nora : He had this one long hair. His, like, fu Manchu thing. And he had this little fuzzon his upper lip. He was so proud of him

Tyler : You're kidding. And he called it a mustache?

Justin : Yeah. It was a mustache.

Nora : It was a mustache.

Justin : Mom, is there anything else you wanna bring up? How about my acne or that, that piano tie I wore to the senior prom?

Tyler : Oh, my god. You were the guy in the piano tie.

Justin : I can't believe this is happening. Mom, you're killing me.

Nora : Oh, don't be ridiculous. I, I'm gonna make you a bagel.

Justin : If it'll stop the humiliating trip down memory lane, please. Look, I thought we were being discreet. You're not dressed.

Tyler : I'm not naked.

Nora : What are you two whispering about down there?

Justin : I was just offering, uh,Tyler a ride to work today.

Nora : Justin, come on, now. You don't need to feel uncomfortable really, Tyler is welcome to stay over any time she likes. I mean, you two are old enough to do whatever you want. Just stay safe.

Tyler : We are.

Nora : All right, just here you go. Eat up.

Justin : Thank you.

Nora : I'm going

Justin : Please.

Nora : Going get ready for my day. Bye.

Tyler : Bye.

Justin : Wow, you must've really won her over. I mean, she does not dig up those embarrassing stories for just anyone.

Tyler : Well, you can get even tonight. My parents will be more than happy to fill you in on all the gory details of my adolescence.

Justin : Okay, they're meeting their only daughter's recovering-addict boyfriend. Somehow senior prom doesn't strike me as the dinner topic of choice.

Tyler : Justin, they're not like that. They're gonna love you.

Justin : I hope so.


Chad and Kevin see an article on the net about them.

Chad : Check out this web site. "The skinny Minnie.

Kevin : Wow, do people really read this?

Chad : Yep. Everything you always wanted and not wanted to know about your celebrities. Scroll down past the photo of Britney without underwear.

Kevin : Oh, it's you and me!

Chad : Soap hunk shops for furniture in WeHo with friend.

Kevin : Wow, I'm a friend?

Chad : You're a friend in italics.

Kevin : And if that didn't sound the alarm,check out the less-than-hetero lamp he took home. I told you that lamp was gay and ugly.

Chad : It gets worse.

Kevin : It could just be wishful thinking, but we're getting a serious gay vibe from the daytime doctor.

Chad : Kev, I've spent the morning fielding calls from my agent, my manager, my mom.

Kevin : Your mom checks skinny Minnie?

Chad : She googles my name once a week. And that's not the point. We need to lay low.

Kevin : What? Chad, we barely go out in daylight as it is. Come on, I'm starting to feel like a vampire. Besides, we didn't do anything wrong.

Chad : I know. But, Kev, I'm in this guy's sights.

Kevin : Look, there are better options than laying low. Believe me. We can call Dan Silk, threaten him.

Chad : No offense, but I don't think you could take him. Not to mention pummeling this guy wouldn't do much for my public image.

Kevin : I mean, we could threaten him with legal action.

Chad : But it's true.

Kevin : I'm a lawyer. Truth is irrelevant. Look, I do this all the time. I just need to make it clear, if he doesn't print a retraction, he's gonna face a very lengthy, very expensive lawsuit. I'll bury him in discovery and depositions. It's lawyering 101.

Chad : I've never seen you so litigious.

Kevin : Right.

Chad : It's kinda hot. But no way can you call him.

Kevin : Oh, why look, he's not some major corporation. He's one guy. He's one loser. He'll cave. They all do.

Chad : Believe me. No. We just need to let it blow over. These stories don't have a long shelf life. If we don't give him any more ammunition, this Silk dude will move on to somebody else. And then

Kevin : And then what, daylight again?

Chad : Definitely.

Kevin : Good. And I could totally take that guy.


Saul and Nora eat in a restaurant.

Saul : You just worry too much, Nora. You always have.

Nora : Look, I know Sarah and Joe are going through a rough time, but are you sure that's all? I really think Tommy’s decision to buy this winery with holly is bothering her more than she's letting on.

Saul : Look, Tommy and Sarah have a very strong bond. And William never would have brought Sarah to Ojai foods if he thought that she and Tommy couldn't survive a little sibling rivalry.

Nora : You're right. you're right. I mean, look at us.

Saul : What do you mean?

Nora : Our family wasn't exactly a picnic, and yet, here we are after all these years, still speaking to one another. You want a green bean?

Saul : Yes, thank you. It's a small miracle, isn't it?

Nora : Yes, it is. I don't know, I think maybe I was wrong about her.

Saul : About who?

Nora : Holly.

Saul : What do you mean?

Nora : You're seeing her, Tommy is starting a company with her. As much as I hate to admit it, maybe William was a good judge of character.

Saul : Well, I mean, your instincts are admirable, but you don't have to put aside your feelings for the sake of any of us, Nora.

Nora : I'm not saying I want to be the woman's best friend. I'm just saying, I have been so busy blaming her, I don't think I've ever really seen her for who she is.

Saul : Okay. So what are you proposing?

Nora : The truth of the matter is, Holly is a part of our family now. I think I should embrace that, if only to set an example. I mean, we all have to put the past behind us where it belongs and move on. You think I'm crazy?

Saul : No, Nora, I don't think you're crazy.

Nora : Good,'cause if there's one person I count on to be my reality check, it's you. Saul? What?

Saul : It's the past. It's, it, it's not behind us.

Nora : You have to tell me. What? Tell me.

Saul : William and Holly had a daughter.

Nora : What?

Saul : Her name is Rebecca. She's 20 years old. She's here in L.A. I'm so sorry, Nora. I'm so sorry. No one wanted to upset you.

Nora : No one? Who else knows? Who else knows?

Saul : Sarah and Tommy and Kevin. But you have to understand

Nora : What about Justin and Kitty?

Saul : They don't know.

Nora : Oh, god.

Saul : Look, Nora, I didn't want this to be like the affair. I didn't want it to fester under the surface, haunting us. Come on, Nora.

Nora : Oh, my god.

Saul : Where, where are you going? What are you doing?

Nora : I have to find Kitty and Justin.

Saul : Please,wait. Talk to me. Wait, please.

Nora : No. There will be no more lies, Saul. No more. I won't stand for it.

Saul : Nora, wait.


Nora is talking about Rebecca to Kitty and Justin.

Kitty : Are you sure? I mean, how do we know that Holly's even telling the truth?

Nora : As much as I'd like to, I don't think we can ignore the obvious.

Justin : What are we supposed to say? Oh, wow, we have a sister now?

Nora : Justin, you don't have to say or do anything you don't want to. This is just going to take time for us all.

Kitty : So, so what? Dad made Holly a beneficiary of the land because of Rebecca?

Nora : I don't know, but I suspect it's part of it.

Kitty : Did he know that he was her father?

Nora : I don't know what he knew.

Justin : This is crazy. You're saying dad hid one of his kids from us for years, and then gave Holly the land, so, so his affair is thrown in our face because of some girl named Rebecca?

Nora : Justin, I wish I could tell you what your father was thinking. I, it's a shock. It's a shock for me, too.

Justin : I don't know why. He lied to you about having a mistress.

Kitty : Oh, Justin, that's not fair.

Justin : No, seriously, I mean, why should I be so shocked that he lied to us, too? I mean, this whole, this whole family revolves around lying.

Nora : Justin, please.

Paige : Grandma! Aunt kitty!

Nora : Hi, honey.

Cooper : Hi, grandma.

Paige : Hi.

Cooper : Hi.

Kitty : Hey, guys. Hey, sweetie poo.

Nora : Wonderful.

Sarah : Hi.

Joe : Hey, Nora.

Nora : Hi.

Joe : Hey, kitty.

Kitty : I can hardly pick you up.


Nora is talking to Sarah about the secret

Nora : Please help me understand how you could discover your father has another child and not tell me.

Sarah : We we trying to spare you the pain.

Nora : How, by keeping me in the dark? God, you should've seen Justin’s reaction.

Sarah : Oh, that's why Saul shouldn't have said anything.

Nora : No, you do not get to blame Saul for this. At least he had enough faith in me, enough respect for me, to be honest, which is more than I can say for you or Tommy or Kevin. What, were you just never gonna tell me? Is that it?

Sarah : Mom, you've had so much to cope with. Just didn't seem to be the right time.

Nora : Oh, I can just see Tommy spearheading this whole brilliant idea. He's so like his father.

Sarah : No, it was my idea.

Nora : It was your idea?

Sarah : Yeah, I was the one who thought that we should keep this information from you.

Nora : Your father made you president of our family business, Sarah, not our family.

Sarah : And you taught me to always put this family first and that's what I was trying to do.

Nora : No, it is not. You were trying to do what was easy for you.

Sarah : You think this has been easy, keeping this a secret?

Nora : No one asked you to. There is no justification for this.

Sarah : Oh, god. What?!

Robert : Hey. You ready for dinner?


Kevin call Dan Silk.

Kevin : May I speak to Dan silk?

Dan : You're talking to him.

Kevin : My name is Kevin Walker, and F.Y.I. If you're gonna make a living tarnishing people's reputations, you may want an unlisted number.

Dan : Thanks for the tip. Do I know you?

Kevin : No, you do not, although you did print my picture without my permission on your little libelous web site. I'm the friend of Chad Barry.

Dan : Oh, you're that dude.

Kevin : Yeah, I'm that dude.

Dan : Hey, I'm just looking for the dish on Barry, so, uh, if you wanna spill, I'm sure I could

Kevin : No, no,no, no. You misunderstand. I'm an attorney. And on behalf of Mr. Barry, I demand that you cease and desist publishing all uncorroborated information about his personal life.

Dan : Hey, man, what can I say? Inquiring minds wanna know.

Kevin : Mr. Barry’s contemplating filing a complaint. The cause of action : invasion of privacy, libel, unfair business practices, intentional infliction of emotional distress. Should I go on?

Dan : But you're not denying Barry's gay?

Kevin : Okay, listen to me, son, and I'll say this in a way that you understand. If you don't stop targeting my client, I will bury you so deep in litigation, it'll be your great-great-grandchildren paying off the legal bills. Do I make myself clear?

Dan : Yeah, I get it. You made your point.

Kevin : Good. Then thank you so much for your time. Hey, mom. What's wrong?


Kevin is angry because Saul said the truth to Nora about Rebecca.

Saul : Kevin? What are you doing

Kevin : Please, please, tell me exactly what you were thinking. Because I'm sure, I'm quite sure, we all agreed we would not say a thing. You agreed, Saul!

Saul : Kevin, Kevin, I didn't want it to happen the way it did.

Kevin : I'm sorry, do you even, do you even get what you've done? Mom, mom is furious. Kitty and Justin are reeling. I mean, Sarah is mortified, as am I, as is Tommy. Did you stop and think for a split second how bad this makes us look?

Saul : Well, frankly, I wasn't thinking about you.

Kevin : You weren't thinking of anyone, Saul!

Saul : I was thinking about your mother.

Kevin : You had no right, absolutely no right, to do this without consulting us.

Saul : I have every right. She's my sister. And you tell me that you wouldn't do the same thing if it were Kitty or Sarah.

Kevin : I wouldn't single-handedly sell out the rest of my family, no.

Saul : You weren't there, Kevin. She was sitting in front of me, opening up her heart to Holly, berating herself for misjudging her, and she expected me to tell her that she was doing the right thing. And I will be damned if I will let her make herself vulnerable in that way only to have her world come crashing down again.

Kevin : You better hope this family finds a way to repair itself, because if this does any lasting damage, I'm holding you responsible.

The dinner with Joe, Sarah, Robert and Kitty.

Robert : You know, I learned something interesting today. You know the San Francisco cable cars are the only moving national monument.

Joe : I didn't know that.

Kitty : You know, I have told you every time that I sleep with somebody I work with, and you can't tell me that we have a sister?

Sarah : A half-sister, and for the 400th time, Kitty, I am sorry. I don't know what else to say.

Kitty : Well

Joe : I thought you girls were gonna table this discussion.

Sarah : Yeah, so did I!

Kitty : We are.

Joe : What's happening in D.C.?

Robert : Well, I'm working on legislation now that, if we pass it, would dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It'd be like taking 100 million cars right off the street. It'd be pretty groundbreaking.

Joe : That's impressive.

Robert : Yeah. You know, the other thing

Sarah : And for the record

Kitty : Oh,brother.

Sarah : I don't see why I should be the one to take the fall for this. I wasn't the only one that knew.

Kitty : Okay, well, you're bearing the brunt of this because you happen to be here. Okay, believe me, I wish that Tommy and Kevin were here, too.

Robert : Is it always like this?

Joe : Yeah.

Sarah : Anyway, I don't even know why you're upset. You always dreamed of having a little baby sister.

Kitty : Sarah, you know what? I was 6, okay? And that little wish didn't include dad cheating on mom.

Sarah : I didn't know what to do, Kitty, so I thought the best thing to do was nothing, so shoot me.

Kitty : Oh.

Robert : Do you like cigars? 'Cause I got some good ones, and we could

Joe : That'd be great.

Kitty : You didn't know what to do, so you did nothing.

Sarah : Oh, what would you have done, Kitty? What would you have done?

Kitty : Oh, yeah, just, I would have told you, Sarah.


Justin don't come at Tyler's house for the dinner.

Tyler : Justin, where are you? You were supposed to be here an hour ago.

Justin : Look, I can't make it. I'm sorry.

Tyler : What are you talking about? My mom's been cooking all day.

Justin : Look, I'm sorry, okay. It's something with my family, and I can't talk about it now. Look, I gotta go. I'll call you tomorrow.

Man : I'm glad you called, man. It's been a while.

Justin : Thanks for coming. It's bad enough my dad was in love with another woman, like my mom wasn't enough, but, I mean, another kid?

Man : I guess you weren't enough either, huh?

Justin : I almost die, and here there I am, back in the same place like, ready to do it all over again.

Man : Yeah, but you didn't. You didn't use and that's cool man.

Justin : Yeah, but I came close, bro.

Man : Course you did. This whole thing is textbook you. Look, I know you, Justin. You didn't become an army medic for nothing. You can't stand to see people in pain. And right now you and your family are suffering. There's nothing you can do to make that go away. And if it gets overwhelming, you know the drill find a meeting, work the steps.

Justin : You know, I still don't get it, though. I mean, how could he lie to us about his own daughter like that, knowing what it would do to us when we found out?

Man : And her. Rebecca, right?

Justin : You know, I didn't even think about her. God, what if, I wonder if she even knows.


Kitty and Robert come back home.

Kitty : Not exactly a normal couple night out, huh?

Robert : Oh, I think it was surprisingly normal, considering how blindsided you were. You want something to drink?

Kitty : Oh yes, please. I think I have to just sit and not move. Because if I do, who knows what else is gonna come along and rip my life apart?

Robert : You're right. Let's not move. It's too big a risk.

Kitty : I just don't know what I'm supposed to do.

Robert : Why do anything?

Kitty : Well, eventually, I'm gonna have to get up. I don't know, the thing is, is that everybody keeps telling me that I have this sister, and I don't know what the hell that means. I mean, when I think of Sarah, I don't think of her D.N.A. I think about how we grew up together in the same house with the same weird family. And how we, you know, shared our diaries and our shampoo. But what, am I supposed to have those same feelings for a woman I never even met?

Robert : Oh, I don't think anybody expects that.

Kitty : Oh, well, and there is my dad. I've been grieving for a father that I don't even know. And I was just starting to get all happy.

Robert : I wouldn't let this destroy that. You hold on to what's good, what makes you happy.

Kitty : You make me happy.

Robert : I do?

Kitty : Yeah. Would it be okay with you if we still just sit here for a while?

Robert : As long as you want.


At Joe and Sarah's house.

Joe : Kids wake you up?

Sarah : No. I, uh, I just couldn't sleep.

Joe : You want to talk?

Sarah : No. It's all right, Joe. You don't have to stay up.

Joe : You'll get through this.

Sarah : Everyone's so mad at me, mom, Kitty, uncle Saul. And, um I don't have you. You know?

Joe : I'm right here.


Tyler is waiting for Justin with Nora.

Nora : Justin.

Justin : Hey, mom.

Nora : Justin.

Justin : I'm fine. I'm fine.

Nora : Are you all right?

Justin : I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm just exhausted.

Nora : Okay.

Justin : Hey.

Nora : I told Tyler it would be all right if she waited here.

Justin : Okay. Yeah.

Nora : I'll give you guys some privacy. I'll be upstairs if you need me.

Justin : All right. I love you. I love you. I'm okay.

Nora : I love you, too.

Justin : I'm okay.

Nora : Okay. Okay.

Tyler : Your mom told me what happened. I'm sorry.

Justin : Sorry about missing dinner.

Tyler : Oh, it's okay. I was just worried. Um, the last time you sounded like that

Justin : I was with my sponsor.

Tyler : Oh. That's good.

Justin : Look, I get it if you're angry at me.

Tyler : I'm not angry. I just don't know if I can handle it.

Justin : I guess that's why they tell you not to date anyone your first year you're clean. I never understood that before tonight, because I couldn't deal with anyone or anything but me.

Tyler : That's how it should be.

Justin : Look, you weren't wrong to worry, okay? I just don't think I'm ready for a relationship, Tyler.

Tyler : I know. I know. I just want you to be okay. More than anything I want for us I want that for you.

Justin : Come here.

Tyler : It's okay.


Rebecca wants to see Holly but she isn't in her office.

Sarah : Have you talked to mom? I keep trying to reach her, but she's not picking up,at least not for me.

Tommy : Yeah, not for me either.

Sarah : Let me be the one to kick Holly out of our lives once and for all.

Tommy : Sarah, Holly's not going anywhere, nor do I want her to. I, I hope you don't think what happened last night changes anything.

Sarah : It changes everything. Tommy, you can't still be planning to go into business with that woman.

Tommy : I am.

Sarah : She won't be satisfied until she has destroyed everything we've created here. Don't be fooled, Tommy. This whole nightmare is because of her.

Tommy : Sarah, there is enough blame to go around.

Sarah : I-is that a dig at me?

Tommy : We lied, dad lied. In fact, right now Holly's probably the most honest one of us all.

Sarah : can't be that naive.

Tommy : Look, I already told you, I didn't start this winery for you or mom. All right? I did this for me, building something for myself.

Sarah : That was before the horror show landed on my lap.

Tommy : Look, it landed in our laps. You want to control everything. God, you just, you thrive off of control. But this is out of your hands.

Sarah : Spare me,Tommy. Okay? I already pay for therapy. I really don't need your amateur psychoanalysis.

Tommy : Just let it go.

Sarah : Okay. Well, clearly I'm the only one who still gives a damn about Ojai, so, you'll understand that I have work to do.

Rebecca : Excuse me. I'm looking for Holly Harper. She's not in her office.

Sarah : I don't know where she is. Do I know you?

Rebecca : No, I don't think so. I'm her daughter Rebecca.

Sarah : Right. I thought you'd look more like your mom. I'm Sarah Walker.

Rebecca : It's nice to meet you.

Sarah : You, too.

Rebecca : So, Holly?

Sarah : Oh, um, I have no idea where she is.

Rebecca : Okay. Thanks. Sorry.

Sarah : Rebecca. Um, do you have a minute? Could I talk to you?

Rebecca : Yeah, sure.


Rebecca comes back home.

Holly : Hey, Becca. Where you been?

Rebecca : I stopped by Ojai today. I wanted to check out your new digs.

Holly : You did?

Rebecca : Yeah, I got the address from some papers you had lying around. I thought I'd surprise you.

Holly : Well, I'm sorry that I, I missed you. I was out meeting with a distributor, and I, I didn't want to drive all the way back to the office. So, um, would you like me to make lunch for both of us?

Rebecca : No. I don't really have an appetite right now. I met some people there, at Ojai, like Sarah. Mom, do you remember that Christmas when I was 8 and I had my tonsils taken out? And then after the surgery, your friend Bill came by to visit, and he gave me that doll with the long red hair. Did Bill really think that a doll could make up for abandoning me? What was it, like a sorry for being a deadbeat dad gift?

Holly : Please let me explain.

Rebecca : Oh, there's an explanation for why you lied to me for 20 years? You said that Bill was just your friend and just kinda left out that part about him beg your boyfriend for, like, two decades, and my father?

Holly : Honey, oh god, it is, it is complicated.

Rebecca : It seems pretty simple to me, mom. You were willing to be sloppy seconds for some rich jerk with a wife and kids. And my dad didn't want to fess up to having a bastard child with his mistress 'cause he didn't want to risk his Norman Rockwell life. Do I have it straight, mom?

Holly : No, I know that you're angry, but you need to hear me though.

Rebecca : Why? It's too late to do anything about it. He's dead.

Holly : Yes but, but you

Rebecca : How much of it is mine?

Holly : W-what

Rebecca : The money that William Walker left you, how much of it is mine?

Holly : I, I put $2 million in a trust in your name, and it will be yours when you're 25.

Rebecca : Well, I guess that's better than some stupid doll.


Chad is angry because Kevin called Dan Silk.

Kevin : Hey.

Chad : Dude, I am so screwed.

Kevin : I'm so glad it's you and not my mom, or my brothers or my sister, or indeed my half-sister. Could my life get any more complicated? What's up?

Chad : Did you even hear what I said? A countdown clock, Dan Silk is counting out the days still I come out on his friggin' web site.

Kevin : Chad Barry, come out, come out, wherever you are. That son of a bitch!

Chad : What I can't figure out is why is this guy gunning for me? Oh, no. You called him.

Kevin : No, yes. Yes, I did. I thought I, I thought I could convince him to leave you alone.

Chad : You think you're the first lawyer ever and try and scare this asswipe? He makes his living from screwing with people's personal lives. You just egged him on. You promised you wouldn't do anything.

Kevin : I'm sorry, Chad. I come from a long line of people who are incapable of leaving well enough alone.

Chad : If you had any respect for how important my career is to me, you would've listened and not gone behind my back.

Kevin : You're right. You're absolutely right.

Chad : Yeah.

Kevin : I'm sorry. I am sorry. So. Where do we go from here?

Chad : I'll tell you where we won't go out to the movies, out to dinner, shopping, hiking, the gym

Kevin : I'm all for cutting out the gym.


Holly is angry because Sarah said the truth to Rebecca about William.

Sarah : No, the shipment was for 1400, not 14. Look, just deal with it. Okay?

Holly : Do you have any idea what you have done to my life and to Rebecca's?

Sarah : What I've done, are you serious?

Holly : My god. As a mother, how, how could you be that cruel? My daughter is crushed. Her whole identity, everything that we had our, our relationship has been, been decimated, and all for what, out of spite? So, so that you could get even with me?

Sarah : But I just told her the truth.

Holly : I was planning on telling her everything, on my timetable, in my way. It was not your place.

Sarah : My place? Oh, you are unbelievable. It wasn't your place to have an affair with a married man. It wasn't your place to have my father's child. It certainly wasn't your place to come crawling out of the woodwork and demand a piece of our family business, but none of that stopped you, did it? You' done nothing but cause my family pain. So if you're perfect little world has come crashing down around you because the truth has finally come out, you know what? Join the damn club.

Holly : I let you treat me like dirt because I loved and respected your father. But I am done treating you with any measure of civility.

Sarah : Is that a threat?

Holly : You bet your ass it's a threat. And you, I trusted you.

Saul : Holly, I had to do what was best for my family.

Holly : Don't you ever call me again.

Saul : I'm sorry you feel that way.

Holly : Not sorry enough.


Nora is still angry.

Sarah : What you reading?

Nora : Seeing with serenity : how to cope with what life deals you? I took a trip to the self-help section at the bookstore. So far it's just pages and pages of vague platitudes.

Sarah : Mom , you've been avoiding my calls.

Nora : I didn't know what I wanted to say.

Sarah : Look, I wish I could turn back the clock and make a different decision, mom, but I can't.

Nora : I know.

Sarah : You seem angrier at me than Kevin or Tommy. Am I wrong?

Nora : Probably not.

Sarah : You hold me to a different standard than anyone else. That's not fair.

Nora : Yes. You're right. It's not fair. I just always felt this connection with you. I mean, you raise a boy, and you don't expect them to tell you anything. You're lucky if they acknowledge you on their way out the door. But you always confided in me. I felt like you trusted me to handle whatever came along. I never had that relationship with my mother. I always thought I had it with you.

Sarah : Mom, we do have that relationship. The last thing in the world I wanted to do was hurt you.

Nora : I know. But that doesn't mean you didn't.


Justin wants to meet Rebecca.

Holly : Justin. I get the feeling you're not here to see me.

Justin : No, I'm not. Is Rebecca here?

Holly : Rebecca, this is Justin, Justin Walker.

Rebecca : So you're one of them, his family?

Justin : Yeah.

Rebecca : I got it, mom.

Holly : Okay.

Rebecca : If you're expecting tears from me, you can forget it.

Justin : I'm not expecting anything. I just wanted to meet you.

Rebecca : Well, I'm here. I'm real. You can even touch me.

Justin : Uh, you, you wanna walk?

Rebecca : Okay.

Justin : It's so bizarre. We live, like, 15 minutes away. In L.A, that's practically being neighbors.

Rebecca : Where'd you go to school?

Justin : I started at Lasalle.

Rebecca : Swanky.

Justin : Well, I got kicked out junior year, and then I finished up at, uh, San Marino. What about you?

Rebecca : Marshall. I think we played you in football.

Justin : Uh, didn't play football.

Rebecca : Oh, that's good. I hate it.

Justin : Uh, Marshall? Uh, did you know a Carter Espen?

Rebecca : Oh,god. Totally.

Justin : He used to date this girl Rebecca.

Rebecca : Yeah, that was me.

Justin : Okay, I'm officially freaked out now. I mean, what if we had met? What if we oh

Rebecca : Oh, the Greek tragedy of it all. So what do you do?

Justin : Presently, not much. I'm a, I'm a vet. I was in Afghanistan.

Rebecca : Wow Afghanistan. That must've been intense.

Justin : Uh, yeah, it was. So you and carter.. I can't believe that.



Ecrit par cycy12

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