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#110 : La fête des lumières

Holly possède un tiers des terres du Nevada. Paige veut se rapprocher de ses racines juives. Nora décide alors d'organiser une vraie fête pour Hannuka.

Le sénateur McCallister propose à Kitty d'être sa directrice de communication. Kevin représente Justin auprès de la cour militaire, afin de lui permettre d'obtenir trois mois de plus avant de partir en Irak.


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Light the lights

Titre VF
La fête des lumières

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Paige Whedon (Kerris Dorsey) et sa maman, Sarah Walker (Rachel Griffiths)

Paige Whedon (Kerris Dorsey) et sa maman, Sarah Walker (Rachel Griffiths)

Kevin Walker (Matthew Rhys) parle avec un homme

Kevin Walker (Matthew Rhys) parle avec un homme

Kitty Walker (Calista Flockhart)

Kitty Walker (Calista Flockhart)

La famille Walker fête Noël

La famille Walker fête Noël

Kitty Walker (Calista Flockhart) et Cooper Whedon (Maxwell Perry Cotton)

Kitty Walker (Calista Flockhart) et Cooper Whedon (Maxwell Perry Cotton)

Paige Whedon (Kerris Dorsey)

Paige Whedon (Kerris Dorsey)

Paige Whedon (Kerris Dorsey) et sa maman Sarah Walker (Rachel Griffiths)

Paige Whedon (Kerris Dorsey) et sa maman Sarah Walker (Rachel Griffiths)

Nora Walker (Sally Field) et les garçons

Nora Walker (Sally Field) et les garçons

Kitty McCallister (Calista Flockhart)

Kitty McCallister (Calista Flockhart)

Sarah Walker (Rachel Griffiths) et Paige Whedon (Kerris Dorsey) s'enlacent

Sarah Walker (Rachel Griffiths) et Paige Whedon (Kerris Dorsey) s'enlacent

La famille est réunie

La famille est réunie

Sarah Walker (Rachel Griffiths)

Sarah Walker (Rachel Griffiths)

Nora Walker (Sally Field) et Saul Holden (Ron Rifkin)

Nora Walker (Sally Field) et Saul Holden (Ron Rifkin)

Joe Whedon (John Pyper-Ferguson) et Sarah Walker (Rachel Griffiths)

Joe Whedon (John Pyper-Ferguson) et Sarah Walker (Rachel Griffiths)

Paige Whedon (Kerris Dorsey)

Paige Whedon (Kerris Dorsey)

Joe Whedon (John Pyper-Ferguson) et Sarah Walker (Rachel Griffiths) parlent à leur fille Paige Whedon (Kerris Dorsey)

Joe Whedon (John Pyper-Ferguson) et Sarah Walker (Rachel Griffiths) parlent à leur fille Paige Whedon (Kerris Dorsey)

paige Whedon (Kerris Dorsey) et Saul Holden (Ron Rifkin)

paige Whedon (Kerris Dorsey) et Saul Holden (Ron Rifkin)

Paige Whedon (Kerris Dorsey) et Saul Holden (Ron Rifkin)

Paige Whedon (Kerris Dorsey) et Saul Holden (Ron Rifkin)

Saul Holden (Ron Rifkin) embrasse la tête de Paige Whedon (Kerris Dorsey)

Saul Holden (Ron Rifkin) embrasse la tête de Paige Whedon (Kerris Dorsey)

Justin Walker (Dave Annable) et Tommy Walker (Balthazar Getty)

Justin Walker (Dave Annable) et Tommy Walker (Balthazar Getty)

Warren Salter (Josh Hopkins)

Warren Salter (Josh Hopkins)


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Dimanche 10.12.2006 à 22:00

Plus de détails

Paige est anxieuse à cause de son diabète. Elle se pose beaucoup de questions sur la religion, et notamment pourquoi sa famille qui est juive ne fête pas Hanoukka, et qu'ils fêtent Noël. Sa grand-mère décide alors d'organiser une fête d'Hanoukka rien que pour elle.

Saul annonce à la famille que Holly possède une part dans le terrain du Nevada. Mais Sarah ne veut pas qu'elle récupère de l'argent sur la vente du terrain. En effet, pour elle, elle n'est que la maîtresse de son père. Par la suite, elle décide de lui racheter sa part sans lui dire la valeur réelle qu'elle ait censé avoir. Saul essaie dans la convaincre de faire le contraire. Lorsque Holly découvre que l'on a voulu l'arnaquer, elle se fâche et ne veut plus vendre. Sans son accord personne ne peut vendre. Sarah va demander conseil auprès de sa mère qui décide d'aller parler à Holly. Elle lui dit qu'elle la pardonne et la supplie de vendre sa part. Holly demande alors à avoir des parts dans la société en échange. Sarah refuse au début, mais se rend très vite compte qu'elle n'a pas le choix.

Kitty ne se fait pas renvoyer. Au contraire son patron lui propose d'avoir sa propre émission dès que le contrat de Warren arrive à sa fin, car depuis sa révélation, les audiences sont explosées. Warren ne connaissant pas la proposition, dit à Kitty que si elle est renvoyé, il démissionne car il ne veut pas d'une émission sans elle. Kitty est flattée mais lui avoue qu'elle préfére se battre pour quelqu'un et qu'elle se demande si elle ne doit pas quitter d'elle même l'émission.

Kevin essaie, de son côté, que Justin ne parte pas à la guerre en faisant un procès. Malheureusement, il le perd. La seule bonne nouvelle est qu'un supérieur de Justin lui accorde six mois supplémentaires avant de rejoindre les rangs.


To Joe and Sarah's house.

Cooper : Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel...

Sarah : He's been singing this song the whole car ride home.

Joe : Great.

Sarah : Yeah, that's the face I made at first. Wait ten minutes. Hey, how did you do with the lights?

Joe : Hmmm, don't ask. Hey, Coop, do you know any other songs?

Cooper : Yeah!

Joe : Awesome.

Cooper : Jingle bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg, Batmobile lost its wheel, and the Joker got away, hey!

Joe : Awesome, dude. Rocks. Go practice upstairs.

Sarah : Hey, babe. How are you?

Joe : I'm good. You?

Sarah : He's definitely your son.

Joe : Yes, indeed he is. Hey, P., What's this?

Paige : It's a Christmas tree ornament. We made them at school. It's a Jewish star. Hiroshi's has a Buddha on it.

Sarah : Honey, did you remember to leave your new insulin kit at school?

Paige : Yeah. Hey, Mom, today at lunch McKenzie Brillstien told me that if your mother's Jewish, you're Jewish. Is that true?

Sarah : Uh, yes. Yes, it is true.

Paige : So why aren't we Jewish? Grandma's Jewish, which means you're Jewish, so I'm Jewish. So why don't we celebrate Hanukkah?

Sarah : That is a very good question, Paige. Um, I guess it's because Grandma never taught us about it.

Paige : But did she teach you about Christmas?

Sarah : No, not really.

Paige : But you had Christmas.

Sarah : Yeah. Yeah, every year.

Paige : But why? If we're Jewish, we should be having Hanukkah like McKenzie and Duncan and Moises.


To Nora's kitchen.

Nora : That is a very, very good question. First of all, your grandfather loved Christmas, and he wasn't Jewish, so that's just what we did.

Paige : So you just stopped being Jewish?

Nora : Yes. No. No, no, no, no. You can't do that. But you can ethnically be Jewish, but at the same time. Santa's just so much fun as a symbolic holiday character who represents is a real, real person not a symbol, but a magical man in a red suit who brings presents.

Paige : But Hanukkah has a menorah and candles and eight days of presents.

Sarah : Honey, is that why you want to be Jewish? 'Cause the look's better?

Nora : You see? That's what religion does. It equates spirituality with materialism.

Paige : I don't want to be Jewish. I thought we are Jewish.

Nora : We're secular humanists, honey.

Paige : Secu-what?

Sarah : Okay, Mrs. Sartre, that's enough. I'm sending you the bills for the therapy. Hey, Tommy, what's up?

Nora : The point is, Paige, religion can often lead to zealotry and war, exactly what's happening in the Middle East right now which is why I don't believe in organized religion. What I believe in is the A.C.L.U., and I've already signed all you kids up. Want to put some sprinkles on that one? I'm gonna do a snowflake.


To Ojai Foods.

Tommy : What did you expect?

Sarah : That Mom would be happy to retrain one generation of Walkers.

Tommy : Unlikely. I think she's glad Julia's pregnant to have another mind to warp.

Sarah : This is serious.

Saul : No, this is serious.

Tommy : Oh, god the look. I haven't seen it since the audit of '98.

Sarah : What is it, Saul? I thought we were out of the doghouse.

Saul : I just got off the phone with your brother Kevin. He finished his review of the real estate documents.

Tommy : The army's still gonna buy the land for $30 mil, right?

Saul : Oh, yeah, right, they will, as long as all the owners of the land sign off.

Sarah : Okay.

Saul : Holly Harper is one of the owners. It's right under the terms of this trust that your father set up. She owns a non-divisible third of the property.

Sarah : That's why he left her out of the will. He'd already given her $10 million.

Tommy : Are you kidding?

Saul : Anyway, she's coming in for a meeting at 5:30.

Sarah : I'm not giving that woman $10 million. Let's buy out her third before we sell to the army.

Tommy : Yeah, well, if we had that kind of cash, this wouldn't be a problem.

Sarah : No, they valued the land at $1.2 million. We can afford a third of that.

Tommy : You mean, screw Holly?

Sarah : Worked for Dad.


In Major's office.

Man : I'm very sorry, but no.

Kevin : We're not asking for a discharge. We're just asking for an additional three months so Justin can get better.

Man : Mr. Walker, your brother has been ordered to report in two weeks. The army needs medics in Iraq, not in California.

Kevin : Justin has some serious medical issues. He recently over

Man : Overdosed, yes. It says so right here on your petition. Look, Mr. Walker, this is the military. Justin is not a civilian. He is a soldier, and we decide what to do with our own, not you. We're done here.

Justin : Yes, sir.

Kevin : I can assure you, we're not. Thank you.

Man : My advice, son, as a lawyer I wouldn't spend the next two weeks running around in circles with denied petitions.

Justin : Thank you, sir. We won't. What did I tell you would happen? Oh, come on. Don't make me cheer you up.

Kevin : I don't need cheering up. I've fought the government before.

Justin : What, in traffic court, Kevin? I mean, God, this is the United States army.

Kevin : Since when do you start listening to authority figures? Look, Justin, you don't have to hide the fact that you're scared of going back, okay?

Justin : I'm not hiding anything, okay? I'm terrified, and I'm pretty sure that shows. And you know what? I don't have a lot of time left, but I have Christmas, I have surfing, I have you guys. I have surfing.

Kevin : Yeah.

Justin : Let's just enjoy the time I have left, all right?


To Ojai Foods.

Saul : Five years ago, William bought a piece of desert land in Nevada. It was a bizarre investment, to say the least.

Sarah : Took our combined wit, a forensic accountant and a road trip, but we finally discovered this great trust that my father left for his wife and kids and his mistress.

Holly : I think the politically correct term is "the other woman".

Saul : Under the terms of the trust, you're entitled to a one-third share of the property, and we're prepared to buy you outright today.

Holly : Buy me out?

Tommy : Yeah. You sign some papers, deposit the check, and bang, you've got $400,000 to do your Christmas shopping.

Holly : Well, I've, uh I've never been bought out before. This is exciting. Um, what is the total value of the land?

Sarah : It's been recently evaluated at $1.2 million. The, um, paperwork's attached there.

Holly : But, uh, um I'm just a a little confused about something, Saul.

Saul : Yes, well, basically, the land is being held as a tenancy--

Holly : No, what I'm confused about is why William would leave me out of his will completely and then make me a part-time owner of some useless piece of land in Nevada.

Sarah : Maybe he just wanted everyone he loved to end up in the same place.

Holly : Well, you all seem a little anxious to want to buy me out.

Tommy : No, just to get on with our lives.

Holly : I understand the feeling. I I'm gonna think about this for a while, weigh my options. Thank you warmly, Sarah. It's been a pleasure, Tommy. Saul, you're spectacular. I'll be in touch.

Tommy : Yeah.

Saul : That went well.


To the television studio

Jack : Oh, I'm really gonna miss you if you get the ax, Kitty.

Warren : Let's not get ahead of ourselves, okay? No one here's getting fired.

Jack : Oh, sure. Except Kitty. You should be ashamed of yourself, you know that? You media-guzzling, apolitical whore-monger! You used to be one of us, Whit. All she did was show some damn integrity. But I guess that's got no place on cable TV, huh?

Whit : Relax, Jack. No one's getting fired yet. Wanna take a walk?

Kitty : Sure.

Jack : I'm gonna miss her so much, man.

Whit : It's no surprise we've received a lot of response to your attempted bribery of Senator McCallister last week.

Kitty : Yeah.

Whit : Angry e-mails crashed our server, not to mention the N.B.S. stockholder reactions.

Kitty : I expected it. I have a signed letter of resignation ready to go.

Whit : And normally, I would take it. But, then, your apology generated more than 200,000 viewings on YouTube.

Kitty : You're kidding.

Whit : And then our ratings shot up 28%.

Kitty : Wow. So you don't want me to resign?

Whit : Hell no. In fact, I want to tailor the show to your strengths.

Kitty : I have strengths?

Whit : Kitty, your range, your appeal-- you've got it all--multitudes, like Emily Dickinson.

Kitty : Oh, I think you mean Walt Whitman.

Whit : See? You're smart an American woman with vulnerability and guts. No more banter, no more stunts, just you alone up there every week.

Kitty : W-wait a minute. Did did you just say "alone"?

Whit : Warren's contract is up in a month. We're developing a Jon Stewart-like vehicle for Jack.

Kitty : Wow. Does Warren know any of this?

Whit : No. I wanted to feel you out first. So?


Nora and Paige choose a Christmas tree.

Nora : All right, now I want you to think carefully. This is a very big decision.

Paige : These trees smell funny.

Nora : Oh, no, no. They smell like winter and Christmas. Oh, oh! Look at this. This could be it. Whoo! Whoo-hoo! Oh, sir? We'd like to get this tree.

Man : I'll be right there.

Nora : Great. Thanks.

Paige : Grandma...

Nora : Yeah?

Paige : Who does God like more, Christians or Jew?

Nora : She likes everybody equally.

Paige : But who does he listen to more, you know, when they pray?

Nora : He listens to everybody, Sweetie. He or she or whomever or whatever God is.

Paige : I need God to listen.

Nora : Why? Why do you need God to listen?

Paige : To make me better.

Nora : Oh, Paige. Do you think God would cure your diabetes if you were Jewish?

Paige : I've been praying, and I'm still not better. Maybe it's because I'm not Jewish enough.

Nora : Is that why you want to celebrate Hanukkah? Oh, honey. Honey.


To Ojai Foods.

Saul : I'm stunned, Sarah. You can live comfortably with this deception?

Sarah : Weighing Holly Harper's well-being against the future of this company? Yeah, I am. I'm pretty comfortable. Saul, I think you would be, too, if you weren't thinking with your

Saul : I may be weakened by my personal feelings, but you're blinded by yours. You tell me this isn't more about screwing over your father's mistress than saving his company.

Sarah : It's about building a future for the company, Saul. Screwing Holly is merely a perk.

Saul : This plan isn't working, Sarah. We are out of options. Look. Your father wanted her to have this. You might even say it was his last wish. Are you prepared to deny him that?

Sarah : You don't fight fair, Saul.

Saul : No.

Sarah : Okay. Call her up. This should be fun.


To Nora's kitchen.

Nora : She just stood there, a sobbing little sad girl, surrounded by Christmas trees.

Justin : So wait, we're not having Christmas? Well, that sucks.

Nora : Oh, Justin. We are having Christmas and Hanukkah both bells, whistles, latkes, ornaments, carols the works.

Kitty : Well, I think it's great. I think it's great that we're finally embracing our multiculturalism. Uncle Saul will be in heaven. Wait a minute. Martha Stewart has Hanukkah recipes?

Nora : Actually, I prefer "Joy of Cooking". There's something a bit off about Martha's. I can't put my finger on it. But the point is, that little girl is in the midst of a massive spiritual crisis.

Justin : What, and fried batter's gonna cheer her up?

Nora : And candles and songs and prayers. We'll get a rabbi. We'll make a video.

Kitty : Hey, why don't we hire Neil Diamond to come over and sing "Havah Nagilah"?

Nora : Paige has had a terrible year. If she wants to look for God, then I will put aside my distaste for empty religious ritual, and I will look with her. We all will.

Kitty : Um, I hate to be a killjoy, but do you remember all those peace marches that you took me to? Do you see what happened?

Nora : Well, it seems to me the only thing that has happened is you've been offered your own TV show to spout out your nonsense. So perhaps my methods were not as foolish after all.

Kitty : Yeah, well, poor Warren.

Nora : Poor Warren!

Kitty : Mom, you're supposed to be on my side. I feel bad enough as it is already. Would you would you please stop chewing like a cow?

Kevin : Where is everyone? I've got it.

Justin : What? Kevin, are are you drunk? What are you talking about?

Kevin : Look, all this time, we've been asking for three more months. What we should have been doing was arguing you've already satisfied your obligation, and that to recall you from the ready reserves is unconscionable.

Justin : All right, explain this to me as if I'm really slow.

Kevin : "As if"?

Justin : Come on.

Kevin : Okay, look. Say I write up a contract that you sign saying "I'll get you a cup of coffee, in exchange for which you owe me five years of labor". That contract, in a court of law, isn't valid. The terms are so unfair; to enforce it would be unconscionable. That is what we're arguing.

Kitty : Well, isn't this gonna be impossible to get this to court in time?

Kevin : No, not with a recall hanging over our heads. I can get a short order of notice. It's no problem.

Nora : These things need more cinnamon.

Justin : Mom.

Kevin : What?

Kitty : What are you talking we haven't even Mom, what are you doing?

Nora : You'll understand if I don't want to get my hopes up.

Kevin : I never thought of that.

Kitty : You think it's gonna work?

Kevin : I don't know. I don't know. It's a long shot, but it's a shot. What do you say? Are you in?

Justin : All right, yeah. I'm in.


To the court.

Justin : God, this would be a lot easier if I were loaded.

Kevin : Look, put it this way if you weren't here, you'd be working Mom's Hanukkah brainwashing brigade. Believe me, this is easier. I can wipe the floor with this guy using his own beret.

Justin : Listen, I really appreciate what you're doing for me. Truly, thank you.

Kevin : Look, I haven't done it yet, and don't go in there resigned. I need you confident, in the right, okay. Let's do it. And how is it being home?

Justin : Uh, it's hard. I mean, really hard. I guess you could say I'm home but I never really made it back.

Kevin : Back from Afghanistan?

Justin : Yes, it's been kind of hard readjusting.

Kevin : And is that why you turned to drugs?

Justin : Uh, the drugs are good 'cause. Well, I mean, they help blur the lines between here and there, and I wanna be here in this world, here.

Kevin : Have you sought treatment for your addiction?

Justin : I've been looking into some rehab programs. I have the most amazing family supporting me.


To Ojai Foods.

Holly : You tried to rob me.

Sarah : No, a mistake was made, and we're fixing it before

Holly : Before you got caught. Getting cold feet halfway in the middle of committing a crime isn't a mistake.

Saul : Holly, invoking criminal law is unduly harsh, not to mention counterproductive.

Holly : Yeah, well, we'll see if my attorney agrees with you.

Sarah : I don't think righteous indignation's the way to go now.

Holly : My affair with your father does not give you the right to steal from me.

Sarah : A few months is an affair. 20 years, that's a career.

Tommy : Holly, just sign the papers, take your money and walk away.

Holly : Do you think that your Dad fell in love with the "village idiot?" I mean, I know that your business is in trouble, and you need to sell this land to save your company. So you need control of my share. I get it.

Tommy : I don't see what

Holly : Well, maybe I don't want to sign my share over to you. Maybe I think there's more money that you're hiding from me.

Sarah : Or maybe you should stop thinking about yourself and think about what Rebecca needs.

Holly : Don't you ever say her name again. My daughter has nothing to do with this. Enjoy your bankruptcy.

Tommy : Jeez.

To the court.

Major : Had you ever used drugs prior to your enlistment?

Justin : Yes, sir.

Major : Which ones?

Justin : I, uh, I smoked pot.

Major : Any other drugs?

Justin : Ecstasy.

Major : Any others?

Justin : Well, I was too stoned to remember. Sorry.

Major : What about while you were stationed in Afghanistan? Did you consume any drugs then?

Justin : No, sir.

Major : Weren't you a medic?

Kevin : Objection. Relevance.

Major : Well, I would think as a medic, Corporal Walker would have access to a virtual smorgasbord of narcotics.

Judge : Objection sustained. I think you've made your point, Major.

Major : Well, Corporal, I am confused. You had experience with drugs prior to enlisting. You had access to them during your tour. So what was stopping you from using while you were in Afghanistan?

Justin : I don't know.

Major : Was it fears for your personal safety?

Justin : No. I didn't really care about that.

Major : Was it fears of being caught?

Justin : No.

Major : So we've ruled out self-preservation and lack of access. I wonder what's left to explain your sobriety.

Judge : Since you seem to know, Major, maybe you could spare us the suspense.

Major : It was the uniform, your honor. It was the military. In short, it was the discipline the army provided. Isn't that right, son?

Justin : I don't know. Maybe.

Major : No further questions.


To Holly's house.

Holly : Why? Why would you do that to me?

Saul : It's not like you haven't kept certain matters a secret from me, Holly.

Holly : You mean Rebecca? I never told anyone who her father was, not even her. And if that was wrong, I was at least protecting a human being. You were protecting a bank balance.

Saul : No, I was protecting my family. And in that regard, our deceptions are more alike than you realize.

Holly : I never tried to screw you out of $10 million. I have had a lot of regrets in my life, but my feelings have been real. I at least have had that, and my feelings for you were real.

Saul : And mine for you, Holly. You have to believe me

Holly : No, I don't. I don't have to believe you. And how could I ever trust you again?

Saul : Listen--

Holly : You ruined this, Saul. Please leave.


To Nora's dining room.

Nora : When the Lord your God has cut off before you the nations whom you are about to enter to dispossess them, when you have

Paige : Can't we play dreidels?

Nora : Paige, this is the Book of Maccabees, the original history of Hanukkah. Don't you want to learn every detail of why we celebrate? Do you know one of the most important Jewish principles?

Paige : Bagels on Sunday?

Nora : No. Knowledge is light, and we are seeking knowledge, knowledge from this book. The holiday's not just about presents, sweetie pie. No. Hanukkah is about religious persecution.

Paige : Maybe we could sing the songs.

Nora : Oh, come, come, come, come, come. Now, Paige, you wanted Hanukkah, and we are going to have it. So where was I? If anyone

Joe : Paige?

Paige : Hi, Dad.

Joe : Hey, sweet pea!

Nora : Hi, Joe. You're just in time. We just learned that the Greek king of Syria outlawed Jewish rituals and ordered the Jews to worship Greek gods like Zeus. That's outrageous. Listen to this one part here that I

Paige : Can we go now, please? Daddy, please?

Joe : Yeah, sure. Grandma needs to get going to Mommy's work. I don't know what it is. Um, she really needs to talk to you.

Paige : Bye, Grandma!

Nora : Bye!


To Ojai Foods.

Sarah : I don't know what to say, Mom.

Nora : $10 million. It never ends, does it?

Sarah : I am hoping Holly's share of the land is the last surprise.

Nora : What does this mean for Ojai?

Sarah : Without Holly, we can't sell, we can't get the money and we can't replenish the fund.

Nora : Oh, Sarah, why did you try to lie to her?

Sarah : I don't know. Bitterness, I guess. Anger. You know, when Dad cheated on you, he betrayed all of us.

Nora : Sugar. It's just so much.

Sarah : What is?

Nora : Her share. What he gave her. What he wanted her to have. He cared about her. He really cared about her.


To Kitty's bedroom.

Nora : Hi. How are you? Good to see you. Warren. Hi. Please, come on in.

Warren : Thank you, Nora.

Nora : I wasn't expecting you.

Warren : What's going on in here?

Nora : It's Hanukkah.

Warren : You're Jewish?

Nora : Yes, I am. We are Jewish.

Warren : Well, um, I'm sorry to bother you. Is Kitty here? Hey.

Kitty : Hey.

Warren : You left the Christmas party.

Kitty : Oh, yeah. I I just wasn't in the mood anymore.

Warren : Well, did he do it? Did, uh, did Whit fire you?

Kitty : No, he didn't.

Warren : He'll probably just wait and not pick up your option. What a coward.

Kitty : Yeah.

Warren : I'm gonna walk if they let you go.

Kitty : No. No, Warren, that's crazy. What are you? That's no.

Warren : Yes.

Kitty : No!

Warren : Look, just forget about everything between us. I don't want to just stare down any right-wing lunatic. Not when I've had the pleasure of embarrassing you. it just wouldn't be the same.

Kitty : Look, Warren, you know what? I it's not just them. It's me. I mean, I don't know, I just I just feel like maybe I should find a more direct way I don't know. You know, maybe working for for somebody that I can believe in. I mean, do you believe in those guys?

Warren : Wait.

Kitty : What?

Warren : It's McCallister, isn't it? He's the guy you believe in.

Kitty : Oh, please.


To Nora's kitchen.

Nora : Do you know where Paige is? I can't find her anywhere.

Saul : Yeah, she's upstairs with Joe.

Nora : Oh.

Saul : Actually, uh, I-I don't think she wants to come down. She's a bit intimidated by all this.

Nora : By all what ?

Saul : By tonight, Nora. I couldn't be more Jewish, and I'm overwhelmed by your intensity.

Nora : Where's Paige? Is she okay?

Sarah : Uh, yeah. She's just upstairs watching TV.

Nora : I don't understand. All of this is for her. Let's go get her.

Joe : Nora, let her be.

Nora : We have to light the candles, do the prayers, recite the blessing.

Joe : Nora, she's overwhelmed. Just let her watch cartoons.

Nora : But this whole night is so Paige can have Hanukkah. She insisted upon it.

Joe : She's a young girl, and she wanted to explore her heritage a little bit. She didn't enroll in a seminar in Judaism.

Sarah : Honey?

Joe : Hey, P.

Paige : Everyone's fighting. It's all my fault. I've ruined Hanukkah.

Saul : Ruined Hanukkah? Is that what I heard? You didn't ruin Hanukkah. You come with me, sweetheart. Excuse us, please. Thank you. I wanna thank you all for joining us in celebrating the miracle of the oil. As you can see, this is not a traditional Hanukkah. But anyway, who cares, right? So we're here tonight because of Paige, because this little girl is searching for a miracle. A lot has been taken away from her this year. A lot has been taken away from all of us. We lost William. We lost a perfect bill of health. We lost relationships. We can lose everything. Judaism teaches us to accept whatever obstacles are placed in front of us and sometimes they are seemingly insurmountable.

But if we have faith and not just faith in God, but faith in family , in learning faith in each other, faith in ourselves, if we have that, then we can live, no matter what has come before. And that, Paige, is the miracle of this evening. It is a miracle of faith that the oil will burn no matter what. And so, Paige, you are going to light the first candle. You are going to light the light.


To Nora's garden.

Justin : 38.

Kevin : 38?

Justin : That's how many people I treated on the battlefield, and every one got a heart to take home. Look, I know you're not gonna get anything for doing this for me, which is why I want you

Kevin : Justin, you don't have to say any of this.

Justin : Look, come on, let me finish, okay?

Kevin : Okay.

Justin : Look, I guess what I'm trying to say is, I know you think you need to fix this and fix me but you can't.

Kevin : It's not that I'm trying to fix

Justin : Look, you can't. No one did this to me. I need to make it right, and that's what I'm gonna do. I love you.

Kevin : You're so gay.


To Holly's house.

Nora : Happy Holidays.

Holly : If you've come here to bully me out of something that is legally mine...

Nora : There will be no bullying tonight. At least not from me, I'm not in the mood. I brought you an almond pavlova with lemon curd and strawberries. I made it for Hanukkah.

Holly : You're Jewish again now that William's gone?

Nora : My granddaughter wanted to celebrate Hanukkah. We just had a lovely little party.

Holly : How do I know it's not poisoned?

Nora : Holly, please, there are some things I want to say to you, and I don't want to forget what they are, so if I could please just speak with you?

Holly : Sure. Come on in.

Nora : Uh, I I came here to forgive you. From the bottom of my heart. William was a a strong and generous man, and he always took care of the people he loved. The thing is, he loved two women. It's as simple as that. For so long, I tried to convince myself that what he had with you had no depth, that it wasn't real.

Holly : It wasn't a big, happy family like you had, but it was real, Nora.

Nora : Yes, I know that. But I was not his "ball and chain," either.

Holly : No you weren't.

Nora : That land, it's yours. He left it for you. And if you want to keep it for whatever reason, then you have it keep it. But if there's any way, any place in your heart, we really need it. We need you. We need your help. So just please consider it for my family.

Holly : I appreciate you coming here. I do.

Nora : Thank you for listening to me. I'm sorry.

Holly : You're sorry?

Nora : For both of us.


To the court.

Kevin : Your Honor, Major Guinness and I actually agree on a few things. Now Justin was a good solider and a fine medic, but he came back damaged. He came back damaged and he turned to drugs for numbness, for escape. And the drugs did what drugs do they steal the best parts of yourself from you and your family, and they leave a shell, an addict, who could possibly die of his addiction unless something changes. Now Justin pulled countless men and women out of the field under fire. He saved dozens of lives, and was fully prepared to go back and do it all again in three months’ time. That is why we're here. He asked for three months to get clean and sober, and Major Guinness shot that down. No, he said, he signed a contract. Well, I'm sorry, something has gone very, very wrong when the United States army cannot recognize the exhaustion and depletion of one of its own. Well, then its contract becomes pernicious, reckless, ruthless and limitless, and therefore unconscionable.

That is our contention here today. Thank you, Your Honor.


To Sarah's dining room.

Sarah : Okay, Little Chicken, now that you've had your first night of Jewishness, what have you learned? That God blesses every family regardless of religion?

Paige : And that Hanukkah can be as much fun as Christmas, which is my favorite holiday again.

Sarah : Oh? Oh, is that right? Now is that because it's coming up soon?

Paige : Maybe. Mom?

Sarah : Mm-hmm ?

Paige : Why did I get diabetes? Was I bad?

Sarah : Oh, no. No, baby, it doesn't work like that. Bad things happen, but we have each other, and we always will. You have to have faith.

Paige : I have faith that I'll get better.

Sarah : Oh, babe, it'll get easier, but you're always gonna have diabetes. But I promise you, you will fight through it and you will get stronger, and you'll see the magic that you have, that your daddy and I have seen in you your whole life. I love you more than anything else in the world.

Paige : Even more than Cooper?

Sarah : Oh! I have more love than both of you will ever need.


To Whit's office.

Kitty : Hey.

Whit : Hey. Come on in. Sit down.

Kitty : So, Whit, I, uh, I have been thinking about your job offer.

Whit : Anything you wanna suggest, Kitty? A whole new ball game.

Kitty : "Red, White & Blue" isn't me. It's Warren.

Whit : Don't say "no" to me. Go back out there and start this over.

Kitty : Warren believes in the show. He can carry it. He he has a strong back. He doesn't need a foil. He doesn't even need talking points. He just and he has this he has this incredible integrity

Whit : And he's also gotten smug.

Kitty : No, politicians have gotten smug. Politics has gotten smug. It's just the times we live in. It's not the messenger.

Whit : Say that on TV! Don't waste that on me. Listen to you the power to elevate the discussion. Look, I agree. We have to change.

Kitty : Whit.

Whit : We have what?

Kitty : Just give it to Warren. He earned it. I didn't. And you don't want to have to convince me.

Whit : Everyone wants me to convince them.

Kitty : No, but then you'll have to turn around and you'll have to fire me in a month, and that just just let me go so we can still love each other.

Whit : Well, I've stopped loving you. Kitty, do something unexpected, would you, out there in the world?


To Ojai Foods.

Holly : So this is my proposal. I'll sell you my share for half its value in cash.

Tommy : And?

Holly : I want the other half in Ojai Foods stock.

Tommy : That's ridiculous. No way.

Sarah : Can I ask why?

Holly : I watched William build this company, too. It was a part of my life a big one. I want to be a part of this business. I was kept on the outside looking in for over 20 years. How could I not grow to care about what he was building here?

Sarah : Okay, that's enough. Please.

Holly : Those are my terms.

Sarah : I presume you know absolutely nothing about business. And I find your desire for a half-posthumous work relationship with my father a little creepy.

Holly : So the ball is in your court. Let me know.


To the court.

Man : All rise.

Judge : Please be seated.

Justin : Uh, Your Honor, if I may, I'd like to say something.

Judge : Go ahead, Corporal.

Justin : I think I've given the wrong impression, and I want to clear something up. I'm proud of what I've done. I'm proud to say I fought next to my friends. But what I'm not proud of is what I've done since. You see, my whole life, my family has been trying to help me. But the truth is, is I didn't want to be helped, and for the first time in my life, I want help. I want to fix myself. I don't want special attention. I have to face my responsibilities and accept them, and I'm working on it. It's a work in progress. Well, I guess that's it. I'm gonna sit down.

Judge : Thank you, Corporal. This court sympathizes with Corporal Walker's situation, unfortunately, that is immaterial. This is a military matter, and we find in favor of the Department of Defense. The plaintiff's motion is denied. Corporal Walker, you are to report as ordered. Court is adjourned.

Man : All rise.

Kevin : I'm so sorry, Bro. I am so sorry. I'm so sorry.

General : Justin? I'm Brigadier General Hendricks.

Justin : Hello, sir.

General: Even though I disagreed with your conclusions, Mr. Walker, I found your arguments very interesting, very impassioned.

Kevin : Thank you.

General : I'm giving you six months.

Justin : I'm sorry, sir?

General : You have six months to report. Get well, spend the time with your family, and when you report, be at peace with it.

Justin : Thank you, sir. I, uh, don't know what to say and--

Kevin : And, uh, we certainly don't want to change your mind, sir, but, uh, why now?

General : Let's just say I had a brother, too, counselor. Merry Christmas.

Kevin : Merry Christmas, sir.

Justin : God, tell me that just happened.

Kevin : Yeah, it did.


To Holly's house.

Sarah : This will be brief. We're going to buy our Christmas ornaments.

Holly : I thought you did Hanukkah this year.

Sarah : Uh, we're doing both. You got yourself a deal. You'll get a check for half in a month, and you'll be officially a shareholder in Ojai Food. This is not what my father wanted. If he wanted you to be part of the company, he would've left you a share. I'll be civil, but I won't pretend. And your daughter never learns the identity of her father.

Holly : Be smart, Sarah. Why would I tell her?

Sarah : Okay. I don't know how my mom's gonna deal with this.

Holly : You don't give her enough credit.

Sarah : Welcome to the family business.


To Nora's house.

Nora : Light the lights. Light them with Paige. Okay. There it is. Ready? Okay.

Everyone : Hey.

Nora : How did it go? What happened?

Kevin : We got six more months.

Everyone : Oh!


Ecrit par cycy12

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